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                            Y/N POV
You go back home. You didn't think Elijah would do that but if he wants to be alone, it's best. You get back to your house and see Ethan and Y/F/N outside. "Ethan, Y/F/N!" you run over and hug them. They hug you back. "Elijah asked us to come and take care of you. He told us he was staying at the small house ten minutes away." Ethan says. "Okay!" you smile, Elijah sent them to look after you so he does care, "He also said something we need to ask you about.." Y/F/N says and you nod, "He asked us to say bye for you and he'll miss us. What does that mean?" they ask. Then you realise. "Ethan we need to go to Elijah's place now!" he nods confused and you all get in the car.

You get at the location after a silent drive of Ethan asking what's going on and you telling him to hurry. "Elijah?!" you begin to look around for him. "Where is he?!" you shout and Ethan and Y/F/N follow you, "Explain please!" Ethan shouts and you turn to him. "Ethan wait in the car Y/F/N and I need to talk." Ethan looks confused and hurt but turns away and leaves. "Y/F/N help me look for Elijah!" she nods and you both look through the house. You go upstairs while she checks downstairs. "Elijah?" you knock on a door and push it. It doesn't open. "Elijah?!" you hit the door again. "Y/F/N Help!" you shout her. She rushes up. "Look for something to smash this door open with!" she nods and you both look around. You find a metal poke and rush to the door. You repeatedly hit the lock of the door until it clicks open. You rush inside.

Elijah lays on his bed. You rush to him. "Elijah?" you ask but he doesn't reply. You shake him but he stays still. You check his heartbeat. Nothing. He's lying unconscious in your arms. "ELIJAH! NONO!" you scream with tears rolling down your cheeks. Y/F/N runs into the room and clamps her hand over her mouth and falls to her knees letting out a silent scream. Ethan walks into the room, "Guys what happen-" he begins but sees Elijah, "Is he?" you nod. Ethan's shoulders fall and tears fill his eyes. "We could've got here sooner if I sped up, he'd be here.." Ethan says the tears in his eyes fall freely. "Ethan don't blame yourself it was my fault for not believing him.." you say as Ethan walks over to you. "That's my little brother.." Ethan takes him and you sob into your knees. "My little brother is gone.." Ethan says crying into Elijah's lifeless shoulders. Y/F/N trembles and stands, "We need to call.. 911."she says taking out her phone and leaving the room. You look around. Pills. An empty bottle of pills." Ethan give me Elijah for a minute!"Ethan looks confused,"He overdosed on sleeping pills, we need to try and make him throw up." Ethan nods and you both lift him and carry him into the bathtub. You and Ethan begin to try and make him throw it up, but nothing happens. "Elijah don't you die on me!!" you plead sobbing into him. "Y/N I think he's gone.. I think we were to late." Ethan says with tears falling onto his sweater. "No!" you sniff, "Elijah wouldn't give up on me!"

The medical team rush to you.  "Please Elijah.." you beg. The medical team take him from your hands and wisk him away. You sit in the bathtub with the shower still on and let the tears fall down your cheeks.

                       Ethan's POV
Seeing them take Elijah away on a hospital bed shattered me. He's gone. They said his chances of survival are low. Y/F/N comes and sits beside me on the step to the door. "It's okay." she whispers, "Elijah is strong. He'll get through this just have some faith ." I try and nod but I can't. I don't believe in faith anymore. "How is Y/N?" I say trying to change the subject. "Not good. She's crying in the bathroom." Y/F/N says. "And you?" I ask. "Not good either. But I'm more worried about you." she says placing her hand on mine.

                         Y/N POV
As the ambulance sirens fade away your tears grow stronger. Ethan must've gone into the ambulance with Elijah. You can't help but wonder if things would've been different if you had never shown up into Elijah's life. Would he still have overdosed? Or would he be happy with Ethan rather than on his way to the hospital? The memories of Elijah flood back. The first time you kissed and the feeling of butterflies you revived when he said I love you. You zone out into your dark thoughts. The thoughts of you leaving him after starbucks. The thoughts of you telling him you didn't know who to believe when you did.

"Y/N?!" Y/F/N walks into the bathroom, snapping you out of your dark place and bringing you back to the sad place. You nod and she takes your arm and pulls you from the tub. "Ethan asked us to come to the hospital.. Incase we have to say our goodbyes." you shiver as she says those last words but just reluctantly follow her.  "Wear something of Elijah's he might have packed spares." she says looking at your wet clothing. You nod and go back into his room. The indent on the bed of where he lay lifeless haunts you and you rush in and grab some clothes.

You rush into the hospital and see Ethan waiting. You hug him," Where is Elijah?" you ask. He points to a room and you go inside. Elijah's heart has been restarted and he is breathing in small movements. You sit on the chair beside him and take his hand. "Elijah, if you can hear me.. I'm so sorry, I was so stupid. Please Elijah fight, not for me, for yourself and Ethan." you begin to cry into his hand.   Nurses come into the room. "Hello Madam- are you alright?!" a young nurse comes over and hugs you. "We have news.." you look up with the last bit of hope. "Elijah is fighting well. He could be able to open his eyes and murmur by tomorrow." you smile. "Thank you Mrs-" you say and she smiles, "Call me Lola sweetie." you nod, "Thank you Lola."

Hello. As I said I wanted to write a sad story before a happy one and so I did. This isn't to sad and I hope I didn't make anyone emotional or cry. Next episode should get better. Stay safe love ya'll ❤️

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