An Honour

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                          Y/N POV
The entire crowd goes completely silent, waiting for you to respond. "Elijah.." you say and the whole crowd looks at you. "Elijah Peter Best, it would be an honour to marry you!" he smiles and the whole crowd cheers. Elijah gets up and puts the ring on your finger and pulls you into a kiss. Several people come over and congratulate you. "I didn't think you'd say yes!" Elijah says, with the brightest smile you've ever seen. "Why wouldn't I say yes?" you ask and he shrugs, "Y/F/N said you wouldn't, something about it being too soon or something." you nod, "Usually I wouldn't say yes this soon, but I love you more than anyone else!" you say and Elijah blushes, "I mean I usually wouldn't propose this soon but, you're special Y/N!" with that you blush. Elijah hugs you again and you go back to Ethan's hotel to share the news.

"We're getting married!" you say. Denis spits out his drink,Gabby smiles "When you said you had something important to say I didn't expect that!" he gets up and Gabby follows. "Congrats bro!" he says hugging Elijah. He hugs you, "Congrats Y/N!" Gabby smiles hugging you. "Tell me if he doesn't take care of you, he'll catch these hands!" she makes a fist and you both laugh.

Ethan was a different story. "We're getting married!" Elijah says. Y/F/N smiles, "Yep they are!" Ethan just stares with his mouth open. "So she knew?!" he points to Y/F/N, "But I didn't?!" you nod and he laughs, "Wooow shoulda told me bro I could of helped!" he comes over and hugs you and Elijah, "I was going to propose to Y/F/N!" he whispers you look at him in surprise and he smiles and walks away. You look and Elijah. "He didn't handle that aswell as I was expecting, but I think he's still happy for us!"

The next day you wake up and head to the airport, you get on the plane and are back home before you know it!

"So.. Are we going to announce our wedding to the public?" Elijah asks and you nod, "You said you're always honest with the fans so we should be honest about this!" he looks at you, "Jeeze you really were a fan!How are we going to do it?" he asks and you look at him."We could do a Q and A, like our first video together?" he nods and smiles.

You both get into Elijah's set up and begin to record. "How we doing Fellas? Welcome back I'm here with well you'll see soon, Y/N!" he points at you, "Hiya!" you smile. He continues, "You guys might have noticed we've all been upload old footage, but it's because we've been in Disney World. So we figured we'd do a Q and A!"

You both the Q and A and get down to the final question, "When's the Wedding and can I come?" you both blush. "Well we are getting married, you can you come, maybe, only if you make sure ya clean your shoes!" Elijah laughs and you finish off. "The actual answer is we are getting married, but, unfortunately you can't come. We want the wedding to be family only!" you say and Elijah nods.

You do the outro and stop recording. "So, I'll edit this and it should be up by tonight!" Elijah says, taking the video onto an editing app. You leave the room and go down to see Y/F/N. She gets up and hugs you. "I can't believe this you, of all people, are getting married!" she squeals you you nod. She lets go of the hug. "Ethan left," she says, noticing you glancing around the room looking for him. "He's gone to get some snacks!" she finishes. "What's the point of snacks?" you ask. You looks at you in shock. "Movie night duh!" you laugh, realising. "How'd I forget?!" you smile. "I don't know!" Y/F/N laughs. "Oh speak of the Devil!" you say, pointing at Ethan. He smiles, "What were you saying about me, I know I'm fabulous and-" Y/F/N cuts him off, "Movie night duh!" he looks down at the snacks he's holding. "Would make sense!"

"So when are you planning on getting married!" Ethan asks, looking at you and Elijah. The movie seemed endless, time seemed frozen. Everyone was bored of the movie so just spoke the whole way through. "In a few months I guess?" Elijah says, looking at you for approval. "Mhm! A few months." you quickly say and Elijah smiles.


"This wedding dress is nice!" you say holding the edge of a perfectly designed wedding dress. It puffs out slightly and is covered in intercut designs."Woah! Look at this one!" you look over at Y/F/N who is holding up the most beautiful ball gown you've ever seen. You walk over to her. "This would be perfect!" you take the dress from her and quickly purchase it.

You get back from the store. "Everything is ready we're getting married in two weeks!" Elijah says. "That's perfect timing! We get married on Valentines day!" Elijah nods.


"I can't sleep, I'm getting married tomorrow!" you say looking at Y/F/N, "You have to! Else you'll look a mess tomorrow!" You agree and go to sleep.

"Wake up!" Y/F/N says shaking you. "We have to get you ready for the wedding!" you nod and get up.

"Hello, I'm a hair and make up beautician, what are we feeling today?" a young girl says, sitting you in a seat. "Well It's a wedding, so just do whatever you feel like!" you say and she smiles, "I think I know exactly what to do!" she begins with your hair, placing strands over and under each other until it makes a beautiful design. Then she takes out a huge supply of make up and gets to work, until she has created a beautiful white look. "You look amazing!" she says and you look in mirror. You do look amazing, you notice. You pay and quickly leave.

"Dress on, CHECK! Make up, CHECK! Hair, CHECK! Shoes, CHECK!You're completely ready, now are you ready to walk down the Isle, looking like a million bucks?!" she says and you nod. "I think so!" you take a deep breath and make you way to the Isle.

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