Not So Happy Anniversary

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Elijah's POV
I watch Y/N hug her sister. She's crying into her shoulder. Her sister looks at me with tears in her eyes and mouths thank you. I smile and nod. Y/N doesn't know I'm there yet. I open the back door and go outside and give them time to talk. It's dark out and I can barely see anything. I pull out my phone and turn on the torch. A small animal scurrys away and into the forest. I sit on the grass looking around. Everything is still and quiet. I haven't uploaded in a while. I take an old video and upload it. The likes start to go up and comments flow in. I read them all. 'Elijah hasn't posted in a while is he ok. I know he posted now but he was wearing the same hoodie as last video so it's old.' is one that stands out. To be honest I don't know what I am. I feel happy because Y/N is here but I'm just not as motivated as I was last year. Wow. It's almost been a year since the pals broke up. Almost a year since everything thing got thrown away. I miss Corl. I miss playing Palscraft with him and betraying each other. I miss the feeling of happiness I got whenever we recorded. I'm so happy to have Y/N but I still miss being happy with the pals. I miss Denis. I miss being called goofy names. I miss Alex. I miss being told to stop faffing. I miss Sub. I miss talking to him when he wasn't using a robot voice.

Almost a year. It feels like only yesterday I met them. I still remeber when we all stayed in an expensive house in L.A and I lost my voice. Everything is so fresh on my mind. I can't believe I'll never see Corl again. I don't even know what happened to him.

I feel a tear fall down my cheeks. I'd give anything to be friends with them. Even for a day. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and wipe my tears. It's Ethan with Y/F/N beside him. "Were you.. Crying?" he asks concerned. "No." I sniff. He frowns. "Elijah please just tell me what's wrong." I nod and Ethan looks at Y/F/N. She nods and goes inside.

Ethan's POV
Elijah explains everything. I frown. I don't know what to say to comfort him. I know I'm the older sibling and all but I still don't know. He wipes his face."Elijah.. I'm sorry." he looks at me and weakly smiles. "I should've tried to keep everyone togther." he says looking back down. "No Elijah don't you dare blame yourself for what happened. It wasn't your fault." he smiles a little bit more meaningful. "Thanks Ethan." he sighs, "I just wish things were a little bit different.." I pat his back. "I know you do, me to." he gets up. "Tell Y/N that her sister can stay in my room with her I need some air." I nod.

Elijah's POV
I drive to a nearby motel and check in for two nights. I sit on the empty bed. I've bought nothing with me. I look in the closet and theirs nothing. I sigh. I shouldn't have just left like that.. But I just need a break, a chance to clear my head I guess. A chance to wrap my head around everything. I sit on the window still and tuck my knees into my chest and wrap my arms around them. I look out of the window and try and clear my thoughts but I can't.

Y/S POV (your sisters)
Ethan comes in from the outside and Y/N looks at him. "Where's Elijah?" she asks worried. He looks at her. "He said you amd your sister can stay in his room for a bit because he needs some air.. Because of Braden and you know." Y/N looks at Ethan and nods. "Okay" she looks at me and we go upstairs to bed.

Elijah's POV
I wake up and I'm still on the window still."not so happy one year anniversary" I breathe in and get down. It was a year ago today.. The day Denis announced the Pals were over. The day everything went into total darkness. I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. "You've got this, keep it together Elijah." I say, trying to reassure myself. Ethan was right, It wasn't my fault or atleast that's what I'm telling myself. Ethan's word always reassure me but he's not here. He's with Y/F/N, Y/N and Y/S/N. Maybe I need him to keep myself in place. I pick up my phone and call him. It goes through to voice mail. I leave a message.
"Hey Ethan.. Can you come to the motel down the street please.. Or call me back. I really need you.. Please." my voice trails off and I stop and send it.
I leave the bathroom and sit on the edge of the bed. It's uncomfortable but also slightly comforting.
"Elijah?" it's Ethan knocking on the door. I jump and feel a smile on my face. I rush over to the door and open it. "Ethan!" I hug him. He seems shocked but hugs me back. "I know why you called. And I wanted to come over." I nod, "Thank you." he frowns, "You didn't ask but I brought-" Y/N jumps in. "He didn't bring me, I heard the voice message and got in the car." she laughs. I smile. She hugs my tightly. "I've missed this." she says. "Me to." I whisper into her hair. Ethan stand kind of awkwardly. But Y/N notices and pulls him into the hug. They both comfort me and I feel a little bit better. It always does.
The sun sets and Ethan looks at me.
"Elijah, do you want to come home with us or stay here?" To be honest I don't know. "I'll come home with you guys." I don't want to be alone. "Okay come on let's go." Ethan says and me and Y/N follow him to the car.

We get home and see Y/S/N (your sisters name remeber that) and Y/F/N playing board games. Ethan goes over to Y/F/N and kisses her forhead. Y/S/N looks at Y/N and Y/N just smiles and comes over to me." I'm glad you're feeling better Lije." she says hugging me. "I am to."I say.

I wrote this on June 27th and I'm posting on the 28th. June 28th incase you didn't know was the day the pals split up so I figured it was only right. It has been a year it feels like so much longer and everyday I miss their videos. I tried to think of something that they all did/something Elijah would remeber. I can't believe It's been a year. Love ya'll, stay safe ❤️

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