She's Very Beautiful

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                        Elijah's POV
I smile. She looks at the kittens and kisses their heads. "Y/N. You can keep them all, you seem to be close to them all." She looks up and me, "Really?" she smiles. I nod. "Thank you!" She hugs me and goes back to playing with the kittens. "You can come over and see them whenever you want." she giggles. I pick up Freddie. His eyes are Hazel like mine. I kiss his forhead and Y/N smiles. Her phone beeps and she looks at it. She gasp. Is something wrong. She looks at me and burst out laughing. "Guess what?" she laughs. I shrug, "What?" she shows me her phone. It's a message from Y/F/N:

'Hey Y/N I'm staying at Ethan' s hotel. Don't tell Elijah but I accidently made a mess in his room.'I smile and we both laugh. Her eyes glint when she laughs. My phone beeps and I check it. It's from Ethan:

'Elijah hope you don't mind Y/F/N asked to stay in our hotel and I said she could have your room. Where are you btw?' I type back:

'It's fine I'm at Y/N' s Hotel anyway. ' I clumsily put my phone into my pocket.

                      Y/N POV
Elijah clumsily puts his phone in his pocket. He looks at you and asks, "I know a cool place nearby wanna go?" You smile and put the kittens back in their box and take them into Y/F/N' s room and open the box. They clamber out onto the floor. You leave the room and creep up behind Elijah. He's talking to someone on the phone. "Dude chill I've got it I don't need your advice." You eavesdrop. "Look I've told you I don't want to screw things up. If I pretend to be something I'm not it will." Who is he on the phone to? "Ethan dude stop!" He's on the phone to Ethan. He hangs up and angrily puts his phone is his pocket. He sits down in front of you and you hide under the counter. He calls a number. "Hey I need help." the voice on the phone is to soft and you can't hear it. "Yeah I can meet there. What now but I was meant to go with- Fine. If it doesn't work." What? He's leaving you for someone else. You get up and pretend to have just left. "I'm ready." He looks at you and frowns. "Y/N something came up I need to go. Can we go tonight instead?" You just nod and walk into Y/F/N's room and lock it. You hear Elijah knock on the door and say "Y/N?Are you mad I'm sorry" you just keep the door locked. He slips a piece of paper under the door and leaves. You wait until you hear his car leave and walk over to it.

'Y/N please don't be mad. It was really important to me and it might be important to you aswell when I explain. I want you to have this
          Signed- Elijah'
You look at the bottom of the paper and see a picture of you and him togther. You pick it up and see on the back it says 'I'll be there for you forever Y/N' you take it and tear up. If he'd be there forever why would he leave. You tear up and lay down on Y/F/N's bed.
                    Elijah's POV
I get in my car and drive to a jewellery store. Y/F/N is outside. She runs over and hugs me "How'd she react?" I frown "Not good." Y/F/N smiles. "Well she doesn't know so it'll be a better surprise right?" I nod. Y/F/N takes me into the jewellery store. "Maybe the one that says I love you in every language or a locket with a picture of you and her!" I look at them. They're both nice. I walk over to the counter. "Can I get two necklases. A locket and I love you?" the store assistant smiles, "what type of mineral." "Gold and Diamond for both." the store assistant is shocked. "Wow a very lucky lady!" she takes them from the display. "Which picture?" I hand her a picture or me and Y/N togther. She admires it "She's very beautiful." she puts the picture into the locket and glosses it. "And because you're buying alot, I'll give you this aswell." she hands me a pair of earrings in the shape of hearts. They are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. "Wow thank you!" I pay and drive back to Y/N's hotel. When I come in I see her asleep on the sofa with a bowl of melted Ice Cream. I tap her shoulder and she wakes up. "Y/N can we go to that place now?" She smiles "Of corse let me go get changed"

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