That's Subs Girlfriend

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                        Elijah's POV
Me and Y/N get back from PAX. She goes into her room and comes put with a bag of make up. I set up the camera. "How we doin Fellas I'm joined by my beautiful girlfriend Y/N!" it feels good to call her my girlfriend. She waves shyly at the camera. "Today I'm going to be letting her do my make up." she giggles. We get toward the end of the video and we both do my outro togther. "Take it Easy!"we both wink and I turn the camera off. She smiles," You look great Elijah!"I look in the mirror, if I didn't know any better I'd asume I was a woman. I start to wash it off." Elijah you need to use make up remover.Come here!" I turn the tap off and walk over to her. She squirts some make up remover onto a cotton pad and starts to wipe it across my face. I look at her while she does it. Her eyes a concentrating on removing the make up and I get to admire her. She's beautiful. How did I, Elijah Peter Best get a girlfriend like Y/N?After a few short moments she lets me go to upload.

I upload the vlog from yesterday and the make up video. Immediately tons of comments flow. I scroll though them. Ever single one is talking about how beautiful she is or how much of a cute couple we are. I look at the clock and it's quite late, Y/N is probably asleep. I go into her room to check.

I push the door open ajar and slide in, trying not to awake her. She's left her phone on, she was watching the vlog I uploaded. I turn her phone of and kiss her on the cheek and whisper goodnight. I leave the room and close the door. "Elijah?" I turn around, Ethan is there. "What's up?" He looks at the floor. "I need your help."

"What do you mean?" He looks up.
"I.. I messed up with Y/F/N.." He has tears in his eye. "She walked in on me talking to Sub's girlfriend and thought I was cheating and she stormed off.." This is bad. Very bad.

                            Y/N POV
Your phone beeps and awakes you, it's Y/F/N,
'Meet me at taco bell at 10:30. Don't tell Ethan or Elijah.' it's 10pm.
'Ok I'm on my way.' you quickly put on a pair of black trousers and a white top. You walk out of your room and see Ethan crying with Elijah comforting him. He looks up and sees you. "Y/N we need help." you look at your phone, you have a bit of time. "What's up." you respond confused. "Y/F/N saw me talking with Sub's girlfriend and thought it was another girl." you laugh, "she does that alot." you look at your phone. "Guys I'm going to taco bell I'll grab some food." Elijah gets up, "Want me to go with you?" you shake your head, you do but Y/F/N said no, "You need to look after Ethan." He kisses your for head, "Ok but be safe ok?" you nod.

You rush into taco bell. "Y/N!" Y/F/N yells and you walk over to her. "What's wrong?" you ask evwn though you already know. "Ethan was with another girl." you need to cover up. "Did she look like this?" you pull up a picture of Sub's girlfriend. She nods,  you laugh "That's sub's girlfriend!" she looks up at you. "Really?" you nod. She looks away, "I need to go talk to Ethan!" she gets up and leaves. You smile and order everyone food.

"Y/N?" you spin around, it's Elijah. "Elijah what are you doing here?" he smiles "You knew Y/F/N was here didn't you that's why you didn't let me come?" You look at the floor and nod, "Sorry Elijah she told me not to tell you I know you're mad but-" you feel him put his arms around you. "I'm not mad at you. You did what any good friend would do I just came because Y/F/N and Ethan were making me feel like a third wheel." you put your arms around him and rest your head on his shoulders. "Thank you Elijah, for everything." 

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