Chapter 5

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Y/n pov:

Cold sweat dripped down my face and my body ached. The pill was going away. I punched the punching bag with all the power I could and felt pain swell in my arm.

"Brock! Evan!" I yelled. Brock came running and Evan came calmly.

"What is it?" Brock asked. I turn towards both of them. My stitches came undone. Blood filled the gauze and trickled down my arm.

"My stitches came undone. And Evan can I have another pill the pain is coming back?" I asked. Brock left to get some thread and a needle. Evan nodded his head and dug through his pocket and pulled out another pill and handed it to me. I grabbed my water and took the pill. The pain instantly went away.

"Thank you Evan." I thanked and saw Brock coming back.

"Y/n you need to take it easy." Brock sighed as he patched me back up.

"It doesn't hurt. I need to get stronger and more coordinated." I argued. Brock shook his head and pointed to a chair next to the knives. I sighed and walked over to the chair and sat down. I'll wait for 20 minutes then get back to work. I don't deserve to take a break. They don't take one.

I picked up a knife and played with it. I had a pocket knife but my dad used it agaist me and took it away. I flipped around and could balance the top if the blade on finger

 I flipped around and could balance the top if the blade on finger

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It was always one of my favorite knives. I swung it around my fingers and back and forth, throwing it up in the air and catching it. I started to laugh at how I still remember these moves. I heard clapping and turned to see the gang all looking at me, clapping.

"Now that's impressive." Delirious laughed and ran over to me and grabbed an identical one that was sky blue. Mine was f/c.

We both did tricks and even swapped knives while doing tricks. Delirious was so much fun. I loved him like a brother.

"Ok so let's do hand on hand combat." Delirious said and led me to a fighting ring. I knew he wasn't going to go easy. I'm excited.

Time skip:

I started to pant. We have been going for hours. I've gotten stronger and Delirious is such a good teacher. He stays on ever topic I'm struggling on and doesn't stop until I get it stuck in my head.

"Good now do that again." He ordered. He ran at me and I moved out of the way and elbowed his back and kneed his face. Then threw him to the ground. He got back up and tackled me to the ground. I yelped in surprise which made Delirious laugh.

"You did the move right and made my nose bleed. I'm proud of you. But even after you do it right make sure your opponent is down down. Always stay on alert." He gave advice. I nodded with determination and smiled. He chuckled and handed me a bang energy drink.

"You deserve so much more than a bang. It's an energy drink. We are gonna be doing this for a while. Water won't do." He explained. I took a drink and smiled.

"Its really good!" I exclaimed and took another drink before putting it down and going to the middle for more training.

Time skip:

"FOOD!" Brock yelled. I looked away from the tv and smiled. It was late at night, around 10 and we were eating supper. Usually I dont get to eat supper.

"So y/n I am taking you shopping tomorrow." Brian said. I looked down at my clothes.

"Whats wrong with my clothes?" I asked. Brain scoffed.

"You dont have enough and plus your clothe sizes were 8-12. You need to go to the juniors section. And do you need to go to school?" Brian asked. I shurgged my shoulders.

"Not really. If you want me to go to school then I can. Online classes are a thing." I suggested. Evan tapped Delirious shoulder and pulled him into a room.

"Oh their getting the thing." Lui said to the guys. I raised an eyebrow.

"What thing?" I asked. Lui giggled and shook his head.

"Its nothing." He lied. I knew he was lying. I learn stuff from people's actions. I watched as Delirious and Evan came back.

"So it has been an eventful day and I thought now that you are apart of the gang you need this. "Evan could barely contain his excitement. He held out a box that had wrapping around it. I took it and carefully opened it.

"Why?" I asked with tears down my cheeks. I held the new iPhone 11. How did they buy this without me knowing.

"You deserve it and need it." Delirious explained rubbing my back. "Do you like it?" He looked into my e/c eyes and I looked back at his sky blue ones.

"Like it? I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you a million times!" I yelled and threw my arms around Delirious. He laughed and spun me around the room. Mostly everyone had a smile on their face seeing me so happy. Wildcat kept a blank expression. I met his eyes and smiled at him. He just rolled his eyes and broke the stare.

"I'll help you set it up after supper." Criag offered. I nodded and thanked him and went back to eating.

Time skip:

"Umm to do want me to sleep in the medic room. I dont mind." I asked Delirious. He shook his head and waved me over.

"You can sleep with me. I have a pull out mattress under my bed. Just incase if a friend wants to sleep in my room." He said as he pulled it out. He threw a fluffy blanket and a large pillow at me which I surprisingly caught.

Both of us layed in our beds. This was my new life. I great life full of fun people. I turned on my phone and set an alarm for the morning.

Next morning:

I heard my alarm going off. I shut it off quickly and stood up. Delirious was still asleep. Brian and I were supposed to go shopping. I still have the money I was supposed to give Delirious so I can pay for my clothes.

I tip toed out of Delirious room and went down the hall. I went to the gym and to my surprise I saw Brian there.

"Morning." I called. He turned his head and smiled.

"I do my workouts in the mornings. Not when everyone else does. Are you ready?" Brian asked. I nodded my head and took his hand.

"I really appreciate you doing this. Even though I don't deserve all the things you guys have gotten me."

"Shut up."

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