Chapter 22

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Y/n pov:

I unlocked the front door and entered. Delirious ran out with a worried expression along with evan.

"Are you hurt?" Evan asked as he examine my face.

"I'm fine but the men in the van knew my name. They gave me this box. I dont know what's in it." I explained not taking my eyes off the box.

"Open it then." Luke said joining in the conversation. I nodded and took off the ribbon and opened it.

I stood in shock

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I stood in shock. That was my mothers. She wore that necklace all the time and never took it off. I got enough money to buy it for her. She called me her moon shine.

"I got her this necklace. My mom wore this necklace. She called me moon shine." I explained with tears blurring my vision. There was a note aswell.

Dear moon shine,

Sorry little mommy couldn't wear this anymore. She's gone and so are you. I'll get revenge for your father. Your a murderer, your mother wouldn't like that you killed your own father. Have fun while you can.

I read the letter and covered my mouth. I'm so screwed. Delirious took it from me and read it aloud. Luke cursed and punched wall and delirious ripped up the paper and stormed away. I felt tears fall from my eyes and I hugged the necklace. Evan went after delirious and I ran to my room.

He was after me. I dont know when but they know I'm alive. I looked in my mirror and put the necklace on. It fit around like a choker. I still had the necklace Marcel gave me so it looked cute together. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I called. I grabbed scissors just in case. Ohm popped his head in and smiled.

"Hey kiddo, you can put the scissors down." He smiled. I chuckled and put my scissors back and sat on my bed fiddling with the necklace.

"What's up?" I asked. Ohm sat next to me and patted my back.

"I know their after you, I know you can fight back. I know the memories are bad but you have a new family. Dont let the past haunt your future. Your going to be fine in the end." He assured and gave me a hug. I smiled and returned the hug.

"Night ohm." I smiled as he got up. He ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Night n/n." He left the room leaving me alone. I got clothes to take a shower and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Mine was cold. I liked cold showers. Made me more awake and alert. I need to be on alert more often. I washed my hair and let the water hit my back. I stood their in silence, taking in the fact that i have my mothers necklace.

I turned off the water and did my hair and chnaged into shorts and a big shirt. I crawled into bed and tried to get some sleep.

Next morning:

I heard my phone ringing. I looked at who it was. Its 7 in the morning, on a sunday and bf/n is calling.

"Hello?" I croaked. Bf/n giggled.

"Get dressed, I'm coming over to your house so we can get dresses." She ordered. I whined but agreed. I ended the call and got up.

I did my hair and everything then went to the kitchen

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I did my hair and everything then went to the kitchen. To my surprise david was making puncakes.

"Morning." I greeted with a tired voice. David turned and looked down with a smile.

"Morning, so any plans today?" He asked trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah actually, bf/n is coming over soon and she said we're going to the mall to pick out dresses. I dont have a ride though. Who isn't busy?" I asked. David shirgged and flipped a pancake.

"I have special training with delirious along with almost everyone. I think Tyler is free." David suggested. I nodded and walked to Tyler's room. I knocked a few times but no answer. I opened his door to see him not there. Gym? I ran tot he gym and saw everyone there even David who was at the stove making pancakes. There was a plate of them on a table.

"What's going on?" I asked. All heads turned and delirious cleared his throat.

"Okay, I know your scared about being kidnapped so that's why I'm training the guys. We just want you to be safe so we are preparing." He explained. I nodded and locked eyes with Tyler.

"Ok that's sweet of you guys thank you. Umm Tyler can I talk to you?" I asked. Tyler raised an eyebrow and follow me into the kitchen.

"What's up n/n?" He asked a little worry on his voice. I looked away and back again, preparing for rejection.

"Well bf/n wanted to go shopping for dresses with me and she is already on her way. I was hoping you would come with me. I thought you would be free." I explained. Tyler rubbed his temples and sighed.

"Yeah I'll go shopping with you but I won't like it. I'll be happy to take you and plus I can protect you without Delirious worrying. " Tyler chuckled. I squealed and hugged him with a big smile.

"Thank you!" I beamed. Tyler nodded and went back into the gym. I didnt hear what they were saying but Tyler and Delirious were arguing back and forth and small points at me.

Tyler put a hand over his heart and nodded to Delirious before coming back in.

"Stay close when we get there or Delirious will have my throat." Tyler said looking at me dead in the eye. I nodded firmly and kept my stare until the doorbell rung. I went to open it but Tyler pushed me back and answered.

"Are you bf/n?" He asked with a firm tone. I saw bf/n nod and tyler let her in.

"Sorry for that, I'm Tyler by the way." He apologized. Bf/n smiled.

"Nice to meet you, are you our ride?" She asked. Tyler nodded. Both were having a conversation so I slipped down to the armory and grabbed a pocket knife for me and I small handgun for Tyler. Marcel was our gunsmith. He create different guns. This gun was small enough to fit in your pocket.

I walked back out acting normal and stood a little behind Tyler and put the gun in his hand. I put it in his palm and acted like he was just putting his hands in his pockets. I had my pocket knife in my jeans pocket so it was hidden as well.

"Ready to go?"

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