Chapter 42

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Y/n pov:

"Oh fuck you Daneil that's cheating!" Bf/n yelled and shoved him with her arm. Daniel was laughing and max and I were on the couch. I was laying down and had my head resting in Max's chest. We both watched and quietly chatted.
It was a lot of fun.

"Hey can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded and we both got up and I led him to my spot, the one on the roof.

"Wow this is a beautiful veiw." He smiled. I nodded and sighed.

"Yeah I coke here when I want to be alone. It's why I picked it, because of the beautiful veiw." I explained. Max pulled some hair back behind my ear. I looked at him.

"It's beautiful just like you." He flirted. I giggled and punched his arm lightly.

"This face is a mess. Real big mess." I laughed and gestured to my face. He shook his head.

"Y/n....once I saw you...i liked you. I've liked you for a very long time. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. I already talked to your brother about it. He said if I hirt you he would kill me and that's fair." He explained. I felt a thump in my throat.

"Max umm...i." he put a finger on my lips. I flinched and turned away ready to be hit.

"Hey we can take it slow you know? No kisses or holding hands until your ready. I will wait for as long as you want. As ling as your comfortable. "He assured. I nodded and looked away.

"Promise your not like them?" I asked with fear in my voice. He raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" He asked. I bit my lips and looked into his eyes.

"The ones who sexually abused me. Sorry I have to tell your his but....I already lost my virginity because they raped me." I admitted. I felt ashamed saying the words. I was ready for max to walk away. He held out his hand and I hesitated but took it.

"I dont care. I promise I am not one of those guys." He promised. I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you max. I will be your girlfriend." I smiled. Max laughed and punched the air.

"YESS!" He yelled. I giggled and climbed down. Max and I walked back in and bf/n gave me a smirk. I giggled and Daneil signalled for max to play against him.

"What happened?" She asked. I blushed and leaned close to her.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend. And I accepted." I explained. She squealed and hugged me. I tried not to whimper but it slipped through my lips and I felt a tear roll down my face. Bf/n pulled away and looked at me with worry.

"Hey I'm sorry, what's wrong?" She said. I could see the guilt written on her face.

"Its fine just flash back is all. Umm I'll be right back." I said quickly. I felt pain explode in my chest and all over my body. The Congenital insensitivity condition was fading away. I went to the kitchen where all of the guys were.

"I need help..." I breathed and fell on the ground. The pain flared in my chest, spreading to my arms, then my whole body again. The pain was hitting me fast. The boys reacted fast and Luke scooped me up and ran to the medic room. Brock was right behind us and Luke gently set me on the table and Brock took off my shirt and examined my ribs and arms.

"The Congenital insensitivity disease went away. I made an antidote last night. Hold her down." Brock ordered. Luke placed his hand on my chest and one on my hip. I screamed in pain and wiggled. It burned. Brock turned my head and injected a needle into my neck. I felt myself grow tired and I tried to stay awake.

"Brock what was that?" I asked weakly. Brock pushed my hair out for the way.

"It will stop the pain, now rest." He said. I shook my head but soon the darkness took over.

Tyler pov:

I walked to our gaming room and saw y/n 3 friends looking at me.

"Is y/n okay?" Bf/n asked. I nodded and sighed while pointing at the door.

"You gotta go. See you guys next time." I said. One guy didnt move and the other two walked to the door and waited for their stubborn friend.

"Daneil let's go!" Bf/n called. Daneil stood up in front of me, acting tough.

"Bf/n would like to know if y/n is okay. So let her see." He commanded. I couldn't help but laugh. The guy named Daneil grolwed and threw a punch. I grabbed his fist and pulled it behind him back and pushed up near his neck. He groaned.

"I'm not asking, get out. " I sighed. I let go and shoved him out of the door.

"Look I'm sorry but I dont know what happened." I apologized and closed the door.

Y/n please be okay.

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