Chapter 39

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Y/n pov:

The sound of gunfire and men screaming woke me up. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I struggled agaist the chains. I was still hanging from the ceiling. I heard my door open and Garrett stormed in and grabbed my chin.

"You said they weren't coming." He grolwed. I laughed and smirked.

"Its called lying." I answered. He nodded to the two other men by his side. They untied me and I dropped to the floor and moved my shoulders around to get the muscles moving. Garrett grabbed my ponytail and I screamed in pain as he lifted me off the ground and glared at me.

"Your dead l/n." He grolwed. I kicked his chest and he let me go. I clutched my head and tightened my pony as it wasn't messed up.

He grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled me to my feet and held me in a choke hold. I tried to struggled up the clock of a gun stopped me in my tracks.

"Yeah you know what that is." He smirked. My heart quickened and my breathing was uneven. Be had a gun pointed to my head. He forced me to move out of the room. I saw mostly everyone. I watched as Delirious snapped the last alive guy. He looked wounded in my arm and had cuts on his hands. I couldn't see his face.

"Move and she dies." Garrett threatened. I saw Delirious glare at Garrett.

"Let her go now." He grolwed. Evan came up and put a hand on Delirious's shoulder and whispered something. Delirious nodded and tossed his gun on the ground, also putting his hands up. The guys exchanged looks but copied delirious.

Garrett chuckled and moved his arm as my face was close to his. He kissed my cheek and lips. I tried to push away bit he kept a good grip. I heard the gang growl.

I had enough. I stopped on his foot and brought my elbow up and elbowed him in the nose. A knife slid across the ground and I stopped it with my foot and flipped it up so I caught it. I took a strong swing and it cut Garrett's cheek. I ran to him and kicked his chest. He fell on the ground and I kneed his face. I kicked his side and stomped on his face. His eye was black and blood was coming from his nose and mouth.

"I've had enough of your shit. You think I killed my dad but someone much better than me helped. I owe my life to him. Too bad your life is over. " I grolwed. I leaned over him and held the knife to his throat. He coughed and leaned his head into the knife.

"Do it. I know you y/n. Your too weak and soft to do it. You were always a wimp just like your mother." He spat back. I punched his face and he let put a groan.

"Your wrong. If I was weak than why am I towering over you with a knife. My mother was stronger than you. Have a nice time in hell asshole." I shot back and drew the knife across his neck. Blood poured and his eyes opened wide. He grabbed my wrist and I twisted his hand. I smiled and held up the middle finger. I stood up and stomped on his head. I did this to another guy at the mall. I stimoed over and over again. The anger too much to bear. I screamed and pounded my hands into his chest and uncontrollable tears streamed down my face.

"Y/n!" I heard a call. I turned and saw Delirious with relief on his face. I stood up and ran to his, basically tackling him in a hug. He was even crying. He patted my head and I sneezed him tight.

"I missed you so much!" I sobbed. He nodded.

"I did too." He admitted. I looked at all the others.

"Get in here!" I giggled. They laughed and all got on their knees like us and joined in on the group hug. After a few minutes. We separated and I stood up. My phone. I went over to garret and searched his pockets. I found my phone and saw millions if missed calls and texts from bf/n, Max, Daniel, and the boys. I smiled and put my phone away.

"Ready to go home?" Brock asked. I smiled and nodded.

"So ready. Did you fight Brock?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded.

"I haven't fought for a very long time. I fought for you y/n. Your my little sister." He spoke and bumped his hip into mine. We all got to the truck and I sat in the front with Delirious. I sat on his lap and I leaned my head again his chest. Exhausted from the past week I closed my eyes and slowly fell into unconsciousness.

Time skip:

I woke up I someones arms. I screamed and pushed off them, hitting a wooden floor. I looked around frantically and saw David sitting on the couch with a concerned look.

"Rise and shine!" He cheered. I giggled and he helped me up. I dusted myself off and Brock pointed at me.

"Medic room, I let you sleep now I want to check you out to see how much they did to you." He informed. I nodded and went with Brock to the medic room. He took an x-ray and growled.

"Those fuckers!" He yelled and punched the wall. I stood up and grabbed his hand. Blood trickled from his hand.

"Brock...I'm ok. Tell me what's up?" I asked. He sighed and I brought him to the counter and started to wrap his hand. He chuckled and exhaled sharply.

"More cuts, bruises, all over your body, 3 broken ribs, a broken pinky, and a fractured hand." He informed. I looked at my hand. It didn't hurt.

"Why dont I feel it then?" I asked. Brock typed on his computer and showed it to me.

"Congenital insensitivity. It's where you cant feel pain. Usually people are born with it but in your case it's going to last around a month. Which isn't very good. I can put cast on everything and all so a month should take away the actual pain of the broken and fractured parts. The thing is that when its over your going to be in pain for a few hours." He informed. I hugged him.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I thanked. He chuckled and pushed me away softly.

"Ill make the cast. Now go take a shower you sink."

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