Chapter 37

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Delirious pov:

I sharpened a blade, looking at nothing. Ever sense the call I've been out of it. I almost hurt ohm badly during self defense lessons. He said it was okay but luke was furious and told me to snap out if it.

I sat on the roof and left a tear roll down my cheek. Who knew you could be so attached to someone you can barely live without them. Like ever second your not with them feels like hours of getting stabbed with question, jealousy, and doubt at the heart.

This was the place y/n went when she first fought luke. She was so small then. Seemed like age. Two days y/n. Two days and your out if that hell.

"Hey jonathan." I heard Luke's voice. The only time he called me that was when we were alone and serious. Others never use mine. Only sometimes.

"What?" I asked. The lump in my throat made it made to speak. I saw luke pop his head up and climb up to me.

"Sorry about earlier." He apologized. I looked away for a second.

"No I'm sorry, I wasn't in the right mind to be fighting, took the anger out on ohm." I argued. Luke chuckled.

"Hell yea, your not in the right mind." He joked and elbowed me. I chuckled and fell silent.

"This was when you first talked to her." I pointed out. Luke looked around and click his tongue and nodded.

"Seems like a long time ago." He admitted. I nodded and wiped my eye.

"We are all ready del. We can fight tomorrow at night. We can get our sister." Luke added. I jumped up and he stood up calmly.

"Really?" I asked. Lyke nodded and I laughed. He gave me a confused look. I never did this a lot. I came up to him and hugged him. He tensed up and then relaxed. He patted my back and I sniffed.

"We can get her back." I cheered. Luke laughed and we climb down together. I stood next to evan and kissed him on the lips.

"You were told weren't you?" He asked. I nodded and laughed. He out an arm around my waist and I leaned my head against his neck.

"I love you." I said. Evan looked down at me and kissed my lips again.

"I love you too." He replied. I yawned and looked at the time. It wa late.

"I'm going to bed. Night guys!" I yelled. Lots of nights were yelled and I went to my bedroom. I flopped on the bed and sighed.

"We're coming y/n. You just hold on."

Y/n pov:

I heard voices form I front of me. I opened my eyes and still was darkness. I moved thg hands around and felt the rope move with me. I let out a scream but it was muffled. I heard footsteps and the door and it opened revealing Garrett and two other guys. They all peered inside seeing my laying on the ground, tied up.

Two guys untied me and I stood up. There was no way I could run. The only exit was the door and a lot of them were in my way.

"Struggle a lot?" Garrett asked peering at my wrists. I growled and looked away. Two guys grabbed me by the arms and I yanked them away.

"I can walk on my own." I snapped. The guys froze at my out burst and let my arms drop. I walked behind Garrett and the other two were glued next to me. The room came into veiw and I stopped in my tracks. My back pressed agaist one of their chests. He put his hand on my back and pushed me in. The door slammed behind me and I was in the room again. I layed in the mattress exhaust.

"Please hurry."

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