Chapter 13

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Y/n pov:

I whipped around and saw everyone out of their bedroom with shocked expressions.

"They broke in and were in the kitchen." I explained. Delirious bursted out laughing.

"N/n that Cartoonz and Ohm. Their apart of the gang." He wheezed. I scratched the back of my neck and felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry. I'm y/n a new member. Delirious took me in." I apologized and helped the grey man up and then walked over to the x eyed dude. I held my hand out and he took it. He lifted me up and smashed my back into the floor. I grunted and felt blood fill my mouth. Dam I was weak.

"Cartoonz what the hell?" Vanoss yelled. The named Cartoonz scoffed and went over to the other dude named Ohm and hugged him. Another couple? Cartoonz then walked over and held his hand out. I scoffed back and rolled away and got up on my own and wiped the blood away from my mouth and walked outside, leaving all of them staring at me. I climbed up the house and sat on the roof and put in headphones.

I tried to be helpful and stop robbers. They didnt seem mad at me injuring them and I apologized. But Cartoonz isn't the nicest. Hes like Tyler but worse. I injured him but I didnt make him bleed. But if I get injured he makes me bleed. I'm so weak.

Tears fell from my cheeks and I wiped them away. Weak. Waste of space. A mistake. A burden. A danger to other people. I ruin fun. I am not supposed to live. My dad was supposed to end me that one night but Del saved me. He shouldn't have.

"Hey y/n?" I heard Cartoonz call. I took out my ear buds and glared.

"The gang filled me in on your past and how your Delirious's assassin. That cool. That Delirious took you in and stuff." He smiled. I kept a blank expression. I know I'm being difficult but he took me as the wrong idea.

"You okay? Back there did I hurt you too much?" He asked. I looked away. I dont think he has seen my face.

"I'm fine. Just I'm weak so i need to get stronger."I said.

"Your not in pain or anything? I have advil?" He asked again.

"Pain is just a word. And I'm just a girl. I'm fine." I lied. I wasn't fine but I would live.

"Why arent you looking at me?" He questioned. I scoffed a laugh and shook my head.

"I'll scare you." I warned.

"No you won't. " he insisted. I bit my lip and turned to him. His eyes widened.

"That's not the worse." I smiled. I moved my hoodie so he could see my neck. I pulled down my shirt and showed his initials and then my stomach.

"Ta da!" I exclaimed sarcastically with jazz hands. Cartoonz looked away and cursed under his breathe.

"Its late you should go to bed." He suggested. I looked at the sky. It was around 5 in the morning. The sun wasn't up yet.

"I'm fine. Sleep doesn't matter. You should eat. Seemed like you wanted to before I jumped you." I argued. He chuckled and stood up. He also held out his hand.

"Here." He offered. I hesitated but took it. He lifted his hand up. I ducked down and flinched away and put my hands up for defence.

"How are you so fast?" He asked. I got back off and held back memories.

"I've been hit enough times to be fast enough to dodge an attack." I stood back up and climbed down. I walked back in and saw Ohm and Brock chatting in the kitchen making breakfast while others were in the living room. I was tense by Cartoonz and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I leaned over the counter and spit the blood out if my mouth. I looked in the mirror and saw my dad behind me. I let out a terrified scream and whipped around to see nothing. My breathing became uneven and tears filled my eyes and down my cheeks. I slid down to sit on the floor with my back to the counter.

"N/n are you okay?!" Delirious slid on his knees and hugged me.

"I saw him behind me with that fucking smile." I sobbed. Delirious shushed me and held me tight. I looked over and saw Cartoonz and Ohm standing at the doorway with the others in confusion.

"Why did that scream sound so terrified?" I heard Ohm ask while people left the bathroom. I soon stopped and stood up.

"I'm s-dont even say it" Delirious interrupted. I giggled and nodded. I walked out and saw everyone in their workout clothes. I needed to change.

I put my hair up and went out

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I put my hair up and went out. Delirious was punching a punching bag. Waiting for me.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Not we you. I'm gonna have you fight agaist a perfetional fighter." Delirious said. I nodded and looked over at a very buff and tall man. Seems like a fun fight.

"Who's all watching?" I asked. The gang raised their hands, everyone did.

"Can I take off my shirt?" I asked. Everyone nodded and I did. People cringed at my scars but brushed it off. I got in the ring and smirked.

Delirious whistled which was our go.

"This is a little girl are you sure?" The fighter questioned.

"I'm no girl." I smirked as my fist connected with his face.

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