Chapter 20

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Y/n pov:

I got up in the morning and smiled. I went to the kitchen and saw no one in the kitchen. I put on music and smirked. 3 musketeers. It's a bad song but its catchy.

I danced around and sang along. I got out bacon and eggs and some pans. I turned on the stove and cracked an egg.

"I got 3 bitches on me like 3 musketeers!" I sang. I turned my head and saw Lui nodding his head along with the music. He came over and dumped my hip and put bacon on the stove. He must know the song cause he sang along with me.

"You know this song?" I asked. Lui nodded and dances around. I added salt and pepper along with some other seasoning and set the table up.

"FOOOOD!!!!!" I screamed. Groaned came from each room people came out and sniffed the air.

"Lui and I cooked!" I exclaimed. Moo came out last and smiled.

"Thanks sweetie I needed a break." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and got Lui and I both a plate to eat.

My phone went off and I looked down to see who it was. It was from Max.

M: Hey wanna hang out?

Y/n: Sure, where and when?

M: School park, noon?

Y/n: Sounds good, see ya there!

M: Btw Daniel and bf/n are coming too

Y/n: Ok even better

I put down my phone and turned to the boys.

"Hey can I hang out with some friends this afternoon at the park?" I asked. I got nodded and yes but one no. It was from vanoss.

"Too dangerous." He stated. I frowned and looked at everyone.

"Let her go babe, she cant stay cooped up here all day. Only for a few hours. Be back at 3 exact." Delirious commanded. I nodded and ran to my room.

The park was a mile walk. I didnt mind it. I put in earbuds and walked down the sidewalk. I wonder why they wanted to hang out on the weekend? I have my knife with me so I'll be ok.

Time skip:

"Hey!" I called when I saw 3 people at the park. I knew it was max, Daniel, and bf/n. We all sat at a picnic table. I sat next to bf/n and max and Daneil sat across from us.

"So why did you guys call us here?" Bf/n asked. Daneil glanced at max.

"Ok we cant hide it. So me and max came here to ask something." Daneil explained.

Both disappeared behind the trees and both came back out with a big poster.

Will you go to home coming with me?

I gasped and looked at bf/n. The poster was decorated neatly and each had flowers in their hands and candy in the other. I nodded to bf/n.

"YES!!" we screamed in unison. I ran up to max and hugged him. He dropped what he was holding and hugged me back. I smiked bright and pulled away.

"Here are your flowers and everything else." Max chuckled giving me the poster, flowers, and candy.

"See! Y/n now you have to get a dress with me!" Bf/n exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Thank you for asking me, it means a lot." I thanked. Max shook his head and held my hand.

"I'm glad you accepted my question. I really appreciate it." He chuckled. I heard a branch snap and my head snapped that way.

"Someone is here." I alerted. Max gave me a confused look.

"Its probably just an animal, calm down." Daniel chuckled. Bf/n gave me a hug and giggled.

"Your so paranoid no one is here." She explained. I looked around and and still felt eyes.

I picked up and rock and threw it at a bush.

"Ow motherfucker!" I heard someone curse. My 3 friends stood in shock. The silent punch came out of the bushes with pissed off faces.

"Your going to pay for that bitch!" One yelled. I scoffed and smiled at max.

"Ok but before I deserve whatever I did, why were you stalkers easesdropping?" I asked while using my hands as quotation marks when I said deserve. Adam, the leader, rushed up and grabbed my sweatshirt.

"Because I can." He spat. I looked away and gagged.

"You really need to brush your teeth dude, that is nasty." I gagged and giggled afterward. Adam held his fist back. I wanted to fight back but it would give myself away. I closed my eyes and prepared for pain. A hand caught the punch and someone punched Adam in the face. He let go of my sweatshirt and a pair of arms pulled me away from him and into a hug.

"You okay?" I heard Max's voice. I smiled and nodded. I pulled away but stopped. I gave a quick kiss on the cheek before storming over to Adam.

The 3 other boys spread out and grabbed Daneil and bf/n while the other one wrestled with max. Adam wiped his nose and walked back to to me.

He threw a punch and I ducked underneath it and uppercut his chin. He fell back while groaning in pain. Bf/n laughed and cheered but a hand covered her mouth. Max and Daneil were fighting the other two while bf/n was struggling to get out of his grip.

"Your gonna p-""Pay for what? I'm going to beat your ass if you dont leave so beat it before it gets ugly." I threatened. Adam's eyes widened but he shook his head.

I sighed and walked towards him while he ran. I kneed him in the stomach and punched his temple. He stumbled away and grolwed. He dashed my way and punched me in the stomach I grunted and glared.

He threw another punch and I caught it, twisted it, moved it behind is back and pushed up until I heard a pop. He scream in pain and held his arm. I was pissed. I grabbed his hair and made him go to his knees.

"Silent punch! Scram before you turn up like your so called leader. " I growled. The 3 other boys let go of my friends and I moved out of the way so that they could pick up Adam and leave. Daneil and max did some damage to them but bf/n didnt do anything, and I dont blame her.

"How did you learn to fight like that?" Max asked our of breathe. I smiled and patted his back.

"My brothers, you'll meet them soon." I smiled. I saw Max gulp and nod his head.

Queen BBS (for girl reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz