Chapter 35

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Y/n pov:

I let out a scream of pain as the knife in Eric's hand dig into my leg, the blood staining my jeans. They've been asking questions about my brothers and our house. I didn't say anything besides smart comeback and the silent treatment.

They've punched, licked, elbowed by while body. They already tore of my sweatshirt and I was now in my white tight tank top. It had blood on it, my jeans also the same way. I had a bruised eyes, more cuts and everything like that. They've been ag his for at least 5 hours.

"Where is the guns located in the house?" Todd asked. I stayed silent and smirked. He sighed and Garrett resisted the knife in my leg.

"Fuck!" I screamed and tried to take a deep breathe. My breathing was uneven and short. Garrett pulled out the knife and I layed limp. He came close, his body touching mine and lifted my chin up.

"Had enough?" He asked. I growled and raised my legs and kicked with all the force I could. I grianed in pain as the hole in my leg bleeds more. Garret fell on his back and hit the other wall. The room wasn't big either and the force if the kick seemed pretty strong.

"You little shit." He grolwed. He lunged at me and his hands clutched my throat. I gasoed more air and I wiggled around, I even tried to kick but Eric geabbed my legs. I saw my vision start to blur and my struggling became weaker. I felt the need to pass out. He keeps go last second and I gasped for air and sobbed.

"Never ever try to hit me. Got it?" He asked firmly. I flinched at his booming voice and nodded softly. Garrett smirked and got really close to me. I knew he was hard too. Hugged my body and he moaned as his private touched my waist line. He was 6'5. Very tall. I was hanging from the ceiling so his waist was here my knees were. So his face was equal to mine. It was hard to explain but it didnt matter. What mattered was the I get out if here.

"Lunch break. Untie her and get her food, we want to alive for as long as possible. " Garrett says and leaves with his buddies. Two larger men walk in and one wraps his arm under my butt and hoisted me up. The other untied my hands and I fell against the one holding me. He put me down on the mattress and untied me feet. Once he did I licked him in the nose and booked it for the door. I raced out and there was Garrett, Todd, and Eric at a metal table and a lot of others chatting at others. They all went silent at my presents and Garrett pointed at me.

"Get her." He ordered. The men from the tables rose and dan towards me, following their orders. I turned on my heel and saw a stair way leading up. The walls were all concrete so we are under ground. I raced to the stairs and skipped one step at a time. There was a latch and I pushed up on it. Locked. I pushed against it and banged on it. Please someone hear me.

"No where to run little girl." A guy behind me said. I turned around slowly and gave a nervous laugh.

"Afternoon fellas?" I greeted in a questionable tone. He scoffed and grabbed my arm. I ripped it away and he gave a glare.

"Come help boys, shes a fighter." He sighed. I laued on my back and licked the latch. I heard something break and I scrambled to my feet and pushed it open. Light blinded my eyes and I climbed out. I heard yells from the stairs. I saw a bix full of pumpkins and I lifted it up and set it on top. This should hold for a while. I looked around to see I was in the back room of a gas station. Phone. They took my phone
I ran out and saw there was a phone hanging on the wall. I clutched it and dialed Delirious's number.

"Hello?" He asked. He sounded desperate and tired.

"Delirious it's me! Y/n. Listen I dont have much time, I am at a gas station looking thing and I got out by a hatch. They are sick to me del. Please hurry I cant take mich more of their crap!" I whispered in a desperate tone. The phone was ripped from my hands and I was grabbed by the hair and flung back so I hit the counter. My head pulsed with pain and I felt blood fall from my head.

"Dont come for her, I'll kill her if you do." Garret threatened in the phone.he then hung up and stormed towards me. He grabbed a hand full of my tank top and shook me hard.

"Your an idiot. I'll make sure you never see the sun again." He grilwed and laughed afterwards. He let go and a couple of men grabbed my arms. I thrusted my body and struggled. Nothing worked and they dragged me down the stairs and threw me in the cell.

It wasn't really a cell. More like an enclosed room. It should be called my home cause I'm never getting out of here. I crawled over to the mattress. My sweatshirt was there too. I put it on even though it was dry blood on it. I hugged my knees and hoped they wouldn't come in for a while.

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