Chapter 46

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Y/n pov:

I looked down and glared. So much for peace and quiet.

"What's with the long face?" Brock asked. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee.

"You know why I'm up here." I said annoyed. What's wrong with me.

"Yes I know, but why?" He asked. I sighed. The tightness in my chest seemed to grow as I thought about it.

"I'm nervous. I can't fuck this up. If I do your all in danger. Ever sense I've been here you've all gave me a reason to live. A happy life. But I only spent your money and made you guys risk your life to save me because I was took fucking weak to fight for myself." I grolwed and looked down, clutching my cup.

"You made us all happy. You aren't useless or weak. Delirious and Brian couldn't even handle them. " he pointed out. I sighed and looked up.

"Why are you up?" I asked. Brock looked at his watch.

"I have to make breakfast. So, I'll leave you in peace to drink your coffee." He smiled and left. I stayed in my place and took another sip.

I won't fuck up.

Time skip:

Time skip:

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I adjusted my bun and looked at the time

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I adjusted my bun and looked at the time. 9:28. Two more minutes until the place opens. A body guard came out with a megaphone.

"Its open fokes!" He yelled. People cheered and I stayed in the shadows.

"Now go in." Evan ordered. I took a deep inhale and went in. An ear spice was too obvious so mine was an earring.

"Ready?" Lui asked. I nodded and we went up and waited in line. We both held our heads high as we came up to the security guard.

"Only you can enter, no one under 18 can enter." He said putting a hand on my chest. I twisted his wrist and pushed him back, acting aggressive.

"She's with me and she is also very mature for her age. Don't make her get angry." Lui informed sounding bored. The guy glared at me and nodded. Lui put an hand on my shoulder and a wink. I smiled and looked around the room. I met Luke's eyes and gave him a nod. My job was to look at bikes until the guy comes around.

Lui acted like another guy checking out a bike. It would seem weird to have a body guard at a bike show.

I leaned over to looked at the other side if the bike and I felt someone grab my hips and hold me agaist their private part. He groaned.

"Can I help you?" I asked and turned around. It was the guy I needed to flirt with. He looked at my boobs and I slapped his face.

"My eyes are up here bucko." I snapped. He smirked and grabbed my waist, pulling me in. With makeup I looked older than I really am. I probably look 16 or 17 right now.

"You like my bikes?" He asked. I looked away from him to the motorcycle and smirked with a hum.

"Oh yes, but I'll need a big man to help me learn how to drive it." I spoke softly. His eyes seemed to dilate, and he seemed mesmerized by my voice.

"Today is your lucky day then." He smirked. I put a hand on his chest and pushed him away and narrowed my eyes.

"Is it?" I asked. He cleared his throat and made a fake smile.

"I'm Skyler, I can also be called daddy." He introduced licking his lips. I looked him up and down, bit my lip and shurgged.

"I'm Abby. " I introduced also making up my name. He licked his lips and chuckled.

He pushed me onto the bike so I can sitting on it and he softly grabbed the back of my head and got very close to my face. Our nose touching.

"Holy shit your hot." He breathed and kissed me. I jerked my head back but he didn't move. I stopped. Flirt so they have time. I kissed back and he seemed surprised. He leaned agaist me and to my surprise the motorcycle didn't tip yet.

I ran my hair through his hair and put my hand on his shoulder.

"We are done, you can kill him or leave him." I heard David through my earring. I giggled through the kiss and pulled away. With quick movement I pulled away, moved around him and smashed his face into the motorcycle seat. That was why my hands were on his shoulder and in his hair. He let out a chuckle and struggled. I kept his in place. There was too many people in here. Luke and lui already at the door. Waiting for me.

"Bye handsome." I said and let go. I turned my back and started to make my way over to Luke and Lui. I saw the van pull on front of the store, ready to pick us up. I felt a hand grab my bun and I let our a yelp and brought my hands to my hair but he squeezed them agaist me as his arm wrapped his my chest.

"We just got started love." He said. I looked up to see a furious Delirious running in here. A grin appeared on my face and I bent over right as Delirious jumped in the air and kicked skyler right in the face. He let me go and I rolled a little and I was on my butt. Delirious held a hand out to me and I took it with a smile.

"Thank you!" I giggled. Delirious chuckled and he put his hand up to his ear.

"All units come in. We have unfinished business. " he said. I turned around and saw all of my brothers come in. They didn't look armed up with the vests they had on, they looked very buff.

They all towered over him with their arms crossed.

"This is what happens....when you mess with....our Queen."


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