Chapter 32

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Delirious pov:

I watched my little sister be dragged into a van. I struggled agaist the guys grip but it was useless. If they take one of our own we take all of theres. I see y/n's knife laying the on the ground I dove for the knife a ran up to one and sliced his throat and moved on. I did a drive by and stabbed the knife into another guys head. I stabbed the rest of the guys the in fatal organs and then the last one remained. I held the knife to his throat and didnt realize I was breathing heavily.

Brian was sitting on the ground, staring at his hands, lost in thought, he looked guilty. I knocked out the guys and grabbed his leg and dragged him to Brian.

"Terroiser... I killed them all, carry this one, we'll interrogate him." I ordered. Brian looked up and nodded. He slumped the guy over his shoulder and left with out a word. I waited for a few seconds for me to be alone. All the people evacuated the building a while ago.

"FUCK!!! WHY? WHY HER? SHIT, IM SO FUCKING STUPID!!" I screamed and pounded my hands into a dead guys chest. Uncontrollable sobs came from my eyes. I dont cry at all. I ran my hands through my hair and thought while sobbing. So many emotions ran through my veins. Anger, sadness, grief, rage, depression, fear, and most of all frustration.

I could imagine y/n crying as she was tied to a chair. I didnt know what they would do to here. And I dont how where to even look. I betrayed her. I didnt do the job I assigned everyone to do. I said to keep her safe and look what I did. I let her get kidnapped. Why didnt i fight them? I could have killed them and helped her but they kept coming. Would she ever forgive me?

I stared at the bag she brought. I folded the knife up and put it in the bag. I clutched it and walked out of the building. Brian was in the passenger side staring out the window. I got in the drivers spot and we raced home. Not saying a word. Both too ashamed of what happened. I pulled into the driveway and my shame turned into anger and I didnt even seem myself. I was Delirious. I felt it taking over.

I grabbed the guy and stormed into the house and the guys were waiting in the living room, eating chips and guacamole. I slammed the guy on the floor and their heads turned.

"Delirious what happned? Your beaten up to the bone? Baby who is that? Wheres y/n?" Evan asked. Hearing her name made my eyes water. I fell on my knees and went down in sobs again. I was weak. Any of them could have saved her. I couldn't. I hate myself. Evan came and hugged me. The gang looked confused.

"He never cries. First time in my life I've ever seen him cry." Luke admitted in a whispered. I heard him but I didnt care.

"I couldn't do it...they kept coming and they took her. I tried to save her but we were held back. She fought so hard but they still got her. It's my fault....i let this happen. I let her get kidnapped.... she is being tortured because of me...." I whimpered.

"Hey Jonny boy, you couldn't do anything. Listen we can get her back. She's our little assasin, our sister. She wont give up on us. Y/n had her necklaces on. The one I made and her mother's. Mine has a tracker in it, just I case this scenario happens. I also have some in her earrings, which she didnt take out at all." Marvel explained. Lots of determined nods came. I wiped the tears away, stood up like a soldier and nodded firmly.

"Meeting now." Tyler barked. Everyone marched to the meeting room, each taking our seats. One stayed empty. Y/n seat. We would get her back.

"So here is the plan. We locate y/n. Criag will do his research and figure out the exits, windows, everything in and outside of the building. Marcel make weapons, effective ones, we want full send here. The rest if us will be training, we go in a week. I know y/n can last that long. I want to go as soon as possible but that will be like going in with blindfolds and having nerfed guns as weapons." Evan spoke.

"What about the prisoner?" Lui asked. Him, Tyler, and David usually dealt with hostages.

"I knocked him out cold, he shouldn't wake up for another hour. " I answered. Lui snickered and gave me a thumbs up.

"Listen I know we all are worried about y/n. She is a fighter. She will survive the week while we prepare. And in that time we will train our hardest and y/n will he the reason to keep pushing ourselves!" Ohm lectured. We all cheered and put our hands in the middle.

"BBS!!" we all chanted and clapped the end. We all went our separate ways and Lui, Tyler, and David went to the prisoner and we took him downstairs.

Lui pov:

We tied the prisoner up. It's been awhile sense I've been able to torture someone. It was one of my specialty. I did the talking and Tyler did the punches and painful stuff that involved fists and stuff like that. I did they talking cause I was good at convincing and I also got to control the knives and sharp stuff. David was in charge of the prisoners health. Keeping him alive. He was good at estimating how much the guy could take. He also got to control his metal state.

"Ready?" I asked. Tyler and David nodded and we all put on our masks and David dipped a rag in a strong smelling alcohol and put it to his nose. the guy gasped and got his head up.

"Morning sun shine!"

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