Chapter 41

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Y/n pov:

Where do I start? I took a deep breathe and began.

"So after the dance I went home and all. Everything was normal until the morning. Del and Brian wanted to take me shopping so I went. It was all good until Del and Brian went to go get drinks.

Bf/n my dad was abusive and all but he also had friends. He was apart of a gang or clan. So when they found out my dad was dead they pinned it on me and went after me.

So they found me and fought Delirious, Brian, and I until more came and they dragged me away and I blacked out.

I woke up at a place and didnt know where I was. They got me bf/n. They did bad things.

They tortured me. Punched, kicked, cut, scratched and even more. They physically abused me and mentally. Telling me things I'm not going to repeat. They did this for hours on end and they had my arms wrapped it chains, my feet bound together, and hanging from the ceiling.

Garrett, the leader, also....he um......also sexually tortured me. (I didnt add that part because I'm not doing smut ever. ) I spent a week in there getting tortured in everyway possible. " I explained. Bf/n wiped the gears from her eyes and lifted up my sleeve and saw the red marks on my wrists. I took off my shirt because I was in a sports bra and she gasped. My while boys was bruised and cut. She hugged me and I hugged back.

"I thought you were lying at first. That's horrible! I'm so sorry y/n." She apologized. I chuckled and put my shirt back on. I heard yelling from outside the door and some shuffling.

"Y/N!!!BF/N HELP USSS!!!" They screamed I got up and walked out. Delirious had both of them in the air, pinned by the door, by the neck.

"What'd you say to him?" I asked. Daniel growled and pounded his fist on Delirious's arm but it didnt do anything.

"I just said I liked you and that I want to take you on a d-ah!" Max choked as Delirious tightened his grip. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Now now brother, put the poor boys down, I can handle two." I said. Delirious put them down and both of them collapsed on the floor, gasping for air and coughing. He signaled me to follow him and I did.

"I don't trust them." He admitted. I shook my head and smiled.

"Their just friends Del. I wont do anything with them. And sure max and I are pretty close doesn't mean anything." I said. I wanted max to be my boyfriend but after the kidnapping I'm not sure I want anyone to be with me.

"Y/n tell me what you want with max?" He asked. I fiddled with my fingers and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I want to be his girlfriend but after what happened I'm not ready." I said. Del chuckled and grabbed my hand, automatically I tensed up but relaxed.

"You have my permission but only under one circumstance. You two can never make out. Or have sex." He said. I smiled and hugged him. He did too and I let out.

"Thank you and I love you Delirious. " I said. He nodded and paused.

"Its John. My real name is John, but call meDelirious when your around people.

"I like the name...John." I complimented and repeated the name. I walked back out to them standing by the door awkwardly.

"Come on in!" I exclaimed. They followed me and their eyes were full of excitment. I entered my room and sat on my bed, crossing my legs and placing my hands in my lap.

"So are you going to explain why you were gone?" Daneil asked. I nodded and gave bf/n a glance.

"Well remember when I said I was abused. Well my dad abused me and he was apart of a group. When they found out he was dead they went after me. I went shopping with brothers and they pulled up to the mall and we tried to fight back but there was too many. This was the day after homecoming. They dragged me into a van and then I blacked out.

I woke up in a weird room and I was hanging from the ceiling, arms wrapped in chains, and my feet bound. So they tortured me physically and metally." I explained. I didnt add to many details but I told bf/n almost every detail. I watched their faces. They didnt believe me.

"She had proof. Dont think this is weird just saying. Y/n you can take off your shirt." She urged. I nodded and took off my shirt. They both gasped at my bruises, cuts, and everything else. Max lightly grabbed my wrist, examining the red, scarred marks that went all the way to my forearm.

"Why arent you in any pain?" Daneil asked.

"Congenital insensitivity. It's a disease where I cant feel pain. Its only for a short period of time in my case." I informed. They nodded and I put back on my shirt.

"Wow you've been through a lot." Max mumbled. I nodded and sighed.

"Yeah but I'm alive so that's good." I said sarcastically. Bf/n hugged my side because she was next to me and smiled at me.

"I'm happy your still alive." She siad trying to cheer me up. I smiled softly and stood up.

"Who's up for video games?" I asked. The boys cheered and I signalled them to follow me. I went into the gaming room. And hooked up a Nintendo switch to the tv. I handed max and Daneil the controllers and bf/n and I sat back and watched. We would watch for now until it was time to rotate.

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