Chapter 21

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Y/n pov:

I opened the door to our house and took in a nervous sigh. I hope my brothers are okay with this. If not I dont know what I'm going to say. I also have to explain what I did to Adam.

"Guys can I talk to you all please?" I asked, the nervous tone in my voice made the gang on alert.

"What's up?" Tyler asked. I sat on the couch and Delirious sat next to me.

"Two things I may or may not have accidentally fought back with a dude named Adam. And I broke his arm." I explained. A moment of silence made the pressure in the air awkward.

"What did he do to deserve it?" Brain asked. I crossed my arms and sighed.

"He was eavesdropping and he threw the first punch so I ended it." I explained. Delirious laughed and high fives me but Brock looks upset.

"I'll let it pass this time but be more careful, I'm glad you stood up for yourself and that your safe." He sighed. I smiled and felt my stomach drop.

"One more thing. I got asked to homecoming. " I finished. The expressions on their faces were calm but turned to protective and anger.

"What's his name?" Criag asked. I didnt want to tell them but I had to.

"Max larson." I answered. Craig's hands ran across the keyboard and he adjusted his glasses to get a better look of his computer screen.

"Not bad lookin." Marcel admitted, "I think it's great you got asked but dont think we'll be friendly when he comes to pick you up." I giggled and nodded.

I got yeses to homecoming but they still seemed alerted by max.

"I'm still your little sister you know?" I asked trying to cheer them up which worked.

"Oh course you are!" Scotty smirked and ruffled my hair before leaving to his room.

I had soccer practice. I almost forgot! I ran to my room and got my gear on and shouted bye to the boys before running to practice.

"Y/n just in time!" Bf/n shouted and waved me over. She was talking to max and Daneil, so I joined in.

"Listen up today is just a scrimmage. A small game of soccer for the whole practice." Coach shouted and started naming off positions.

I was a winger, a player that is defense and offense. They run up and down the field on the outside ready for a drop and to send it up. Lots of running but good opportunities to pass to whoever.

I got in my positions and the ball was live. I ran up the feild and called for the ball. I got a pass from Daneil and I raced up the feild, kicking the ball as i ran. A player from the other team came next to me trying to steal the ball. I kicked it up to bf/n making her run a little. I inhaled through my nose and out through my mouth trying to regain my breathe.

I watched closely as bf/n dodged a player, doing a rainbow over another one and shooting it into the goal. She was impressive. We ran back together high fiving and smiling wide. Soccer practice was even better than I thought.

The ball was passed to me and I booked it down and looked up for people. I saw max. He was waving his hand and holding it out straight. I kicked it hard so it was a cross. A cross is when a player kicks it over to someone across the feild. It was a loaded ball so max ran with it and I curved in. Our eyes met and he passed it to me. I shot it into the goal and smiled.

"Nice job!" Max cheered and high fives me. His eyes sparkled with joy. He was cute I had to admit.

"You too!" I chuckled and the coach blew his whistle.

"One more goal and practice is over!" Coach yelled. I got back in my place and the other team got the ball. I tried to kick it out our side if the feild but they got past me. I sprinted to keep up but it felt like slow motion as they passed the ball and shot it into the goal. They cheered and our team scolded them. But we won for the most part. 2 to 1.

I took a gulp of water and got ready to leave. Running home was fine. I ran here I can run back or walk which ever is easier. I started to jog back until something caught my eyes. A white van with tinted black windows was a few blocks away. I saw its window roll up as I stared at them. I pulled out my phone and called Delirious.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey I just got off of practice and there is a white van a few blocks away. They rolled up their window when I looked at it. What should I do?" I asked. Delirious always knew what to do.

"Okay listen. I want you walk normally home if they follow you stop and go up to them. Keep a knife hidden okay? See what they want but if they keep their distance then go to the gas station." He ordered. I nodded.

"Okay sounds good, see you soon." I said and hung up. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started to walk slowly keeping my head slightly tilted so I could see them. They were following me.

I walked some more and they were getting closer. I stopped and turned around to glare them. I kept my knife behind me and I approached the van. They rolled down their window.

Two men both high twenties or low thirties. Both were built and tall.

"Why are you following me?" I asked. My voice sounded harsh and threatening.

"Your y/n right?" The driver asked. I nodded my head, keeping my glare.

"We have a package for you." The passenger smirked and handed me a little box. I took it and examined it.

"Have a nice day Miss y/n." The passenger waved bye and the window rolled up, I didnt move from my spot,just frozen with confusion. I watched as they drove away and out of sight. I looked down at the small box again.

What's in it?

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