Chapter 24

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Y/n pov:

I turned my head and saw Tyler, eyes full of rage, hands clenched, and his whole body looking mad. The boys backed away from me and bf/n. We moved behind tyler and smirked.

"Get away from my sister and her best friend or I'll make you." Tyler growled. Both boys yelped and ran out of the mall. I hugged tyler and giggled.

"Thank you big brother!" I exclained. Bf/n thanked him too and Tyler nodded. I was ashamed. I let him push me agaist the wall. What if it was a bad person, one trying to kidnap me? I really didnt fight back. Tyler had to save me. I need to be more alert.

"Hey dont sweat it, I know your trying to hid your skill which is smart, now think happy and let's go home." Tyler said nudging my arm. I playfully pushed him away and linked arms with bf/n.

"So we have our dresses now what?" I asked. Bf/n smirked and jumped up and down. Homecoming is on Friday and its Sunday. So we have until then to pretty up!" She squealed. I chukcled and opened the car door and climbed in. Tyler got in too and started the car quickly and pulled out. I looked around trying to see anyone.

Bf/n gave me a worried look and grabbed my arm forcing me to pry my eyes of the window.

"What's going on? You've been super paranoid this whole time?" Bf/n asked. I bit the inside of my cheeks and looked in the review mirror to meet Tyler's eyes. He shook his head and watched the road.

"Well, I'm just looking out for adam and his gang. You know? One of them wants you back as his girlfriend so I'm trying to keep you safe." I gave a smile at her. She seemed to buy it.

"I'm fine so calm down and relax." She said while taking a big exhale. I did the same but not like hers. It was uneven and short which made bf/n groan.

"Your bad at being calm." She stated. I punched her arm playfully and shook my head.

"I'm calm, totally calm." I mumbled as I looked out the window again. Bf/n sighed and threw her body on mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a forced laugh. She winked and remained in her position.

"Making you not look out that stupid window!" She shouted. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You know your really good at making me feel less paranoid?" I asked. Her eyes widened with joy and she sprang up.

"Really?" Her voice sounded surprised and excited.

"No, I was using sarcasm. You made me more happy I guess." I shrugged and smirked. Bf/n glared at me but shrugged her shoulders as well.

"Good enough for me." She yawned. I looked at the time. We spent half the day there. It was around 6 and bf/n parents would want her home. Tyler dropped her off and I hugged her goodbye. I went to the passenger's seat and let out a sigh.

"Im sorry, I should have been more careful." I apologized. Tyler sighed and put the car in drive and sped towards home.

"Your allowed to go places and I know you can handle yourself, so dont apologize." He said not looking at me.

"Just have one of us stick close to you." He suggested. I nodded and looked out at the stars. They were very beautiful. The galaxy was as clear as day and the stars shimmered like a disco. True beauty.

We pulled into the driveway and got out. The house was full of light which meant the guys haven't relaxed and went to their rooms. I opened the door and found most of them in the living room. I smiled at them and yawned.

"I know your probably not hungry so just eat this please." Brock begged and handed me a hot dog. I giggled and took a small bite. He was right, I wasn't very hungry.

I finished and went to my bedroom. For some reason I was having a panic attack. My breathing was unsteady and short, my heart ached with waves if pain, may fingers twitched and my hands shook with adrenaline and panic. Why? My body felt like it could shrivel up and fade away. It felt like my heart was being tugged at, ready to be ripped out.

I closed my blinds and tried to calm myself. What's going on? I started to pace and with each turn I felt more dizzy and nauseous. I clenched my hands together and put them above my head and closed my eyes. My mind roamed with questions and reason on to why I was feeling this. I rested my hands and let one reach for my mother's necklace. I felt a pulse, almost like a shock wave. I gasped and let go, stumbling over nothing.

"What the fuck?" I breathed. I turned and looked at myself. The scars, bruises, stretch marks, my neck, the necklace. All were past memories. I was a walking box full of sad and bad memories. A box, full if nothing? Mystery?

I changed my clothes into something more comfy and sighed. I'm going to bed early, but some neflix wouldn't hurt.

Next morning:

"Y/n!" I hear a yell. I sprang up and reached above me. A metal bar met my hands. I yanked it off the wall and sprang up to help. I ran out of my room and dashed to the kitchen. Everyone had big smirks on their faces.

"Fuck you guys. Fuck you. I thought you were getting attacked!" I grolwed. Ohm laughed and put an arm around me.

"If we were getting attacked we would have called you by your nickname. " he pointed out. I shrugged his shoulder off giving him a side eye.

"So what did you wake me up for?" I asked. Evan looked at everyone then back at me.

"We think your ready for a more of a more elite job. Your no longer a decoy. Your a decoy and an assasin.

"So we were thinking it would be fun to do a three day heist and you would be back for homecoming and we also decided that school was too boring and you can quit but also keep ur friends." Evan explained. I punched the air and yelled with joy. Finally I get to quit school and be more than a decoy. That's like be prompted!


Queen BBS (for girl reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora