▪︎ chapter sixteen ▪︎

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"Is he even necessary?" Ian mutters and I take in a sharp breath in order to stop myself from yelling at him right away.

"Look here, it's my birthday and I get to decide who comes and who goes." I glare at him and he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"We tried to contact him...he doesn't answer his phone. It keeps on going to voicemail." Stefan butts in, with a pleading look in his eyes that said 'please don't fight Vanessa.'

"Why, it might be Ian who deliberately planned something wicked to keep him away. Don't assume I am not aware of your general hatred towards Ezekiel." I flare my nostrils. If I was to cut the cake without the presence of my childhood buddy, I don't want it. It would also be so heinous to leave him out like that.

"May I know the reason for your intense dislike for everything I do...or not do! It's not my fault some idiot isn't bothered enough to pick up the call or even make an effort to wish you!" Ian retorts.

"Guys...VANESSA! Please stop this banter, it's your birthday, damn it! We're getting late. It's already midnight and the cake on the tabletop is waiting for you since a long time" Jae-Hwa takes my hand and squeezes it gently.

"I know...I just...don't want anyone missing out." I say, my voice small.

"Nobody would, you can still hand him a piece later...that's a three layered cake for god's sake." She gives me a reassuring smile and I nod.

I couldn't possibly have imagined that my friends have planned this much for me. I was feeling overwhelmed one moment and wanted to cry the next. The feast that Gabriella had prepared with Connor's help was probably the best I had ever eaten. Add to that, getting absolutely expected gifts for the first time in nineteen years!

Audrey and Jae-Hwa had framed a snapshot of the three of us, tanned little feet dipped in white sand. Audrey's dad had shot the picture six years ago at the Glenelg Beach. It took me to a time when I wasn't as sad and broken and lonely. I wished I could time travel and go back to that summer of '16...even if it is for a minute or two.

"I don't really have words for this. It's beautiful" I smiled, running my hand lazily over the photoframe.

"We knew you'd love it. It's such a break from the usual dresses and Luis Vuitton's you get every year" Audrey laughs.

"Of course" I smile back.

Stefan had gifted me a book: 'Girl in Pieces' by Kathleen Glasgow. Funnily enough, the title seemed to reflect upon me. Knowing how much of a binge-reader I was, he had chosen a perfect present.

"Thank you so much, Cahill. I can't wait to turn the pages." I grin and he returns the gesture.

"Well, you'd receive my gift next morning. It hasn't arrived yet. Uh, no spoilers!" Connor purses his lips and looks at me, his puppy dog eyes explaining he wanted to surprise me. I stick my tongue out at him in response.

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