My Force Date

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     Yunlan aka Lan lan was force to date he admire idol who turned  out to be a wolf in sheep clothing.

    First Shen Wei  was surprise  Yunlan was dusguise as Lan lan again. "If you want to date me? Then date your fan Lan lan! Because Yunlan can't  date just anybody!" Shen Wei  protest,  "But I'm not anybody? I'm an actor! A well known and popular actor!" He said.

    "Yes! An actor! A man! My parents  doesn't  know my preference! And I want to keep it that way!" That made Shen Wei  bit his lips a little,  he didn't  notice it turn on Yunlan. "Oh! My god! His so cute!" Yunlan whispered  to himself. "Okay! As long I can date my angel fine! But why where dating in this small restaurant? And why make me disguise  as well?" Shen Wei  ask.

    "As Lan lan, I'm just a poor fan of yours! And that disguise of yours so people might not know your Shen Wei! Do you want an avid fan kill me on this spot! They love to do that to anyone who snatched  you away from them!" That mad Shen Wei  chuckled  and suddenly  hold my hand.

    "It takes a lot of calming  myself not to pull him and ravished  him up here!" While Shen Wei  squeezing  and rubbing  my hands is not helping my mind go heywire. Yunlan suddenly  stand up and order some food in the counter. To take his mind off Shen Wei.

    But the latter followed him and embrace him from behind and lean his head on his shoulder. The lady in the counter can't  help to giggle. Two gorgeous guys cuddling at each other, infront of her. "Are you two dating? Because you two look good together!" She said.

    Before I can talk Shen Wei  thank you the girl. "Yes! My boyfriend here is a little  bit shy!" While caressing my ears with his fingers.  I shivered in his touch and I went red. "Calmed  down Lan lan don't  get your fanatic on this man melt you away!" But Lan lan eyes almost pop out. When Shen Wei  whispered  something  in his ears.

    His hot breath send tingling sensation and something  else. Desired  and lust are awakening in Lan lan's being. He didn't  notice Shen Wei  saw him gripping  the steel at the counter. When he whispered  to his ears. "Aya! Miss how much is this?" As he accidentally  bumped his hands to mine make me want to blow up.

    While the girl giggle again when Shen Wei  returned  his hand to my waist and caressing it.  Made me widen my eyes when I started giggling to it. "Stop! And tried to take off his hand. "So your ticklish  there! I'll remember  that as we make love?" That made me blushed  furiously.  "Who said I'm gonna  make love mmmmph....." As I turned  my head toward him he suddenly  kissed  me without any warning.

    I held  my breath back then, he had kissed  me again. That soft, pink lips is on my mine. That made my brain gone haywired again. But before I close my eyes and feel those lips it was gone already. While the girl gave our food and Shen Wei  paid for it. "Well your right? The service is cheap and fast!" As he wink on me and took the tray toward  our seats.

   I'm looking like a teenage  girl on my first kiss as I linger and touched  my lips. And went back quickly on our seats so Shen Wei  might not notice what I did. But when I sit, he can't  help to chuckled.  I want to erase that smug on his face. Knowing he know  how crazy I am to him.

    How did he knew, well while were eating, I kept on drinking water like it's  the last water I have. "Lol! Slow down there?" He said. "What?!" Yunlan blink and look puzzled. "You didn't  touch your food and just kept drinking water!" Shen Wei  pointed at Yunlan tray.  And was shocked  his plate  is not been touch. Yunlan excuse himself that he isn't  quite hungry.  And use the chopsticks to eat the  pork and rice.

    After we have finished eating,  we went on a stroll along the park, he enterwined our fingers making me off guard. "So tell me when did you like me? When I was popular in my midtwenties?" I shake my head and accidentally  said. "Ever since you audition!" That made Shen Wei  stop and look at me. "Audition?" Yunlan suddenly  panic. Well his brain is.


     Yunlan skipped  school as he heard theirs an audition for teenagers to be trained to be idol. He want to try it out as they were given numbers one by one. A senior much older than him sing his song while playing his guitar, "Hello! My name is Shen Wei! Eighteen  years old!" As he performed  his piece. Yunlan fell inlove to him at first sight.

    That's  what he learned  he preferred  guys than girls. He on the other hand perform  his dance and sing.  But he was too young that he was disqualified. 
Suddenly  a hand ruffled his hair. "Don't  be dishearted! Your still young! And have plenty of options!" As Shen Wei  smile at him. "I.......'ll be...." Yunlan stuttered and wanted to say something  but Shen Wei   have already  left. "I'll be cheering for you!" Ever since then Yunlan  following Shen Wei  until then.

*Past Ended *

   He suddenly  gaze at me with his loving eyes. Did you audition with me back  then?!" He ask. "Forget it!" As I walk fast almost leaving him behind. But those soft hands caught my arms. And pulled me back into his embrace. My hat dropped as he hold me tightly.

    "Do you want to go back to my home?" He ask while running his finger with Yunlan's soft, brown hair. Making him relax to his hold. Yunlan didn't  know why he nod to him. As swiftly Shen Wei  pick up his hat and pulled Yunlan toward his car and drive away toward his apartment.

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