A Sudden Surprise

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    It was raining heavily when Shen Wei  came back to his home. After he took a warm shower.

   He ran quickly to his room to change and greet Yunlan whose  still sleeping.  "Hello my love! " And kissed  him on the forehead. "I miss you so much!" Suddenly  Dr. Gong came with Dr. Federiko from Germany.  Whose studying Yunlan case.

    "Doctors how's  the patient?" He ask. "Don't  worry sir! Where trying our best here! His vital sign are okay! He just need to wake up from his sleep. May I suggest  a colleagues  of mine studying in dream. Dr. Skully maybe he can pull out Mr. Zhao from  his dream state? And wake him up?" Dr. Federiko said. "Then do it Doctor! I just want my Ah Lan to wake up!" As the two doctors bow and leave.

    "Soon my love you will wake up and be with me forever!" As he sleep beside Yunlan. The beating of the heart of Yunlan went up again.

    The next day when Shen Wei  woke up, he can't  help to admire Yunlan's  feature. "Your so handsome! I can't  believe  I forgot you because  of my head injury back then!" While caressing his face.

    His hand suddenly  trace his close eyes, nose, plump lips, his jaw downward  to his collarbone. "They say your my number one fan and love me truly! So Ah Lan.....please open your eyes for me ....." His hand suddenly  caressing his body tracing the curves of his nipples, abdomen and hips. "Your so perfect for me in anyway....." He didn't  notice his tears started to dropped  from his beautiful  eyes.

    "You know all our so called families and friends..... who wanted to seperate us.... I  can't  forgive them until you open your eyes and talk to me.... Please....." As he lean his head to his chest to hear his heart beat. "My Ah Lan.......please come back to me.....and I'll make sure you won't  sleep for an entire day! Were gonna make love in every corner of this room!" As he laugh and tease him. But the latter just laid there motionless.

     Suddenly their peaceful talk was break when the maid knock on the door. Shen Wei  peck him on the cheek before opening the door. "Sir your friends and relatives are here and demand to see you." Shen Wei  smirk, "Let them in! I'm just gonna change!" As he close the door.

     After a quick shower, he always change his clothes infront of Yunlan to see if he might wake up seeing his bare beautiful body, sometimes he moan while touching himself so Yunlan might wake up. But the latter still sleeping motionless. It depressed  him some how  and believe  his beauty is fading because Yunlan won't  even open his eyes to take a peek at him.

    In an hour, he saw his didi, Da quing  and his parents  in law in the sala's room. Where they entertain guests. But he welcomed  them with stotic face, remembering  they're  the one that seperate him from his beloved Yunlan.

    "Gege!" His didi hugged  him. "Please! Forgive us for  what we done! We thought it will be the best for the two of you! I want you to live happily again and not waking up from a nightmare that Yunlan might not wake up! Please forgive me! Forgive us!" But Shen Wei  shoved him, "How?! You make me believe  my one and only happiness is dead! I almost gone mad knowing  he died. Then finding out in all this years his still alive! Sleeping! I can't  forgive all of you in lying to me! And most of all you didi! I alway trusted you! But why?! Why did you deceive me!"

    That made Yezun cried while Da quing  comfort him. "Can I see my son?!" Ask Yunlan's  mother. "No! I'm sorry Mom! I want you to feel the pain in seperating from him! Just like you did to me!" That made Mrs. Zhao cried. "You heartless beast!" Shout Mr. Zhao.

    "Tell that to my lawyer! Until Yunlan is not awake I won't  forgive all of you!" He shouted at them. But Mrs. Zhao being a mother barge into the room, Shen Wei  tried to stop her while the other tailed  after them.

    "Yunlan! My baby! I'm sorry if I seperate you from Shen Wei! We just want what the best for the two of you! At least one of you can live normal and happy again!" As she cried to Yunlan. But he was shoved  by Shen Wei  from his Ah Lan luckily  Da quing  caught her.
     "Shen Wei! What's  wrong with you?! His Yunlan's  mother!" Da quing  shout. "What about me! If I didn't  discover that tomb stone been taken?! I didn't  know Yunlan is still alive!" As tears fall down on his cheek. But Mr. Zhao was mad for hurting his wife and shoved  Shen Wei  making him fall to Yunlan below body crushing his prize.

    With that impact, Yunlan suddenly  open his cute brown eyes and bolted to sit up. Everyone scream of shocked.  "That  hurt!" He shouted at them. Everyone frozen on thei spot. "What?! Why all of you are here?! Xiao Wei! Why you dress like that?! Aren't  we gonna get marry? Get dress now! Where gonna be late!"

    But he suddenly  notice that he was dress in his pajama and many wire attached to him. "What is this contraption?!" As he took off his oxygen and about to stand up only to fall because his legs are so weak. Luckily Shen Wei  break from his frozen and caught him.

    "Xiao Wei! Your so beautiful  this  morning!" As he smiled at him. That made Shen Wei  cried and enveloped  Yunlan to his embrace. "How could you make me worry! I..... so waited for you! For a very long time!" As he scream and cried. Yunlan didn't  know whats  happening  and was confuse.

    While his mother cried as well his father. Da quing  and  Yezun break down and cried as well. "Okay? Did something  happened  here while I'm sleeping?" Ask Yunlan. But no one could speak because all of them were crying. While the doctors and nurses came are shocked to see the scene.

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