The Rescue

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    When the day finally  came, Shen Wei  is now free from responsibility  from his network and other contracts.

    His private plane landed on Sunday  morning in their country. He nudge Yunlan whose sleeping  peacefully  at his side to wake up. "Please! Thirty minutes more!" Yunlan whined. Shen Wei can't  help to take a picture of him drooling while sleeping. Because for Shen  Wei  it is the most beautiful  post of Yunlan.

    When he woke up, he was welcome  by a kiss on his sleep. "Good morning!" Shen Wei  greeted him. He just smile and pulled Shen Wei  for a kiss again. His manager Cong Bo cough, "Where here already! Can you two stop what are you doing! We need to get off the plane!" As he took his back pack and leave.

    The two love birds where beat red and they took  their back pack and other bags as well. As they arrive at the airport they never knew two eyes following  them. Especially  Yunlan. Yunlan excuse himself and went to the men's  toilet room with  Da quing.  While the two were chatting whilr washing they're hands.

    Suddenly  a fire alarm broke out. Sending people outside panic. Inside the restroom smoke suddenly  filled in making Da quing  and Yunlan fell asleep.  Shen Wei  and Yezun felt alert when they heard the alarm  where set on. As they tried to run toward the men's  room only to be welcome by people panicing and running  around.

    Suddenly Shen Wei  seen two huge men with a woman exit the men's  room carrying two guys.  *Bleep!* That's  Yunlan and Da quing!" As he hurriedly  ran toward them with his body guards. They never notice a lady cleaner was pushing a big cart containing  a big sack. Zhu Hong smile wickedly as she exit out of the airport and into the parking lot. Two men waiting for her beside the car.

   Unknown to Zhu Hong manager Cong Bo notice and followed her. He was shock  seeing two men opening the sack containing Yunlan. He quickly call Shen Wei.

    Shen Wei  and Yezun on the other hand apprehended  the two huge men and a woman, but was surprised  they're  only carrying Da quing  and a dummy figure. "Where's  Yunlan?!" He shouted at the men.

    Suddenly  his phone ring and took it, "Shen Wei! I saw Yunlan being taken outside! And now I'm following them where they're  going follow my location in your GPS!" As he cut the call. Shen and Yezun left the other kidnappers  to his bodyguards while  the two of them went to their car and follow where manager Cong Bo was heading.

    His not surprise  the car is heading to Mr. Zhao mansion. And he called Shen Wei  on what he discovered.

    Inside the mansion, Yunlan woke up wearing a white suite and a flower pin on his pocket. He just realize he was  back at his house. Tied up and seated on a chair. Beside him is Zuzu wearing a beautiful wedding dress,  who also tied up. "Good day sleepy head! I thought your not gonna wake up!" She said

    Yunlan was shocked,  "Whatta?! How did they get you?!" As he struggled  from his rope. "Ha! With my father's  help they captured me again and I don't  know what happened  to my girlfriend?!" Said Zuzu. "Xiao Wei?! Where are you?!" Said Yunlan.

    Suddenly  a laugh came at their back, "You think you two can escape?!" Said Xin ci. "Look! The two of them look good together!" Said Zhuiji. "How could you do this to our child?!" Said Mrs. Zhao.  But before she tried to help Yunlan. The body  guards of Mr. Zhao lead  her out. "Mom!" Shout Yunlan. "Don't  ask help from her! Because you got a wedding to attend too!" As he sign his men to take the two to church for their  wedding.

    When Shen Wei  and Yezun came they barge into the mansion with few of his men. The men of Mr. Zhao tried to stop them.  When Mr. Zhao heard it he called Zhu and his guards to stop Shen Wei.

    Back to Yunlan and Zuzu, while they're  being married. The priest disagree  with it. He can't  marry two people who was force. But one of   Mr. Zhao's men pointed a gun on him. He  have no choice but to continue  the wedding.  Outside  the mansion, Manager  Cong Bo called  a police to seek help. While Da quing  woke up. "What happened?!" He ask. Manager Cong Bo explained  everything.  Making Da quing  help the others in rescuing Yunlan.

    The guests on the other hand are getting worried as they heard a commotion  outside. "Hurry up! Married  them already!" Said Xin ci to the priest.  But when the priest said,  "Whoever want to speak! Speak now or forever  hold his peace!" Suddenly  Shen Wei  shout, "Stop! The wedding!"

    All thd guest turned toward them. "Xiao Wei!!!" Cried Yunlan."Who let you in?! Your not invited in this wedding!" Shout Xin ci. "Continue the wedding now!" He shout. "Stop! You can't  marry the two of them! Because......" Everyone anticipating  on what Shen Wei  will say even Yunlan.

    "Because his pregnant! His carrying my child!" He accidentally  said. That made Mr. Zhao and Zhuiji widen their eyes. "WHAT?!!!" While Yunlan lost his spirit and went to somewhere else. Zuzu on the other hand, laugh out loud. While the guest were all shocked.  "Well it works in my movie?" Said Shen Wei  as he untied Yunlan whose still shocked  on Shen Wei's  declaration.

    Mr. Zhao shocked  break when he see  his son being taken away by Shen Wei. "Guards! Get them!" When his guard about to shoot his gun. Da quing  hit him at the back  making him unconcious and untied  Zuzu as well. Zhuiji  tried to stop his daughter.  Only to be trip by one of the guests as he fall on the wedding cake. That made everyone scream and panic. They all suddenly  ran toward the exit.

     "Shen Wei!!!" Scream Xin ci. As he gripped  Yunlan's  other arm. "No your coming  with me!" Shout Xin ci. But Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan to him. "No! His coming with me!" But suddenly  a leg almost hit Shen Wei  on his face. As he face again Zhu Hong whose ready to fight him again.


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