The Engagement Party

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     "I can't  believe  my father agree on you?!" While Yunlan helping Shen Wei  in his suite for they're  engagement  party.

    "You know I'll do anything to make your father agree to me in marrying you!" As he also help Yunlan with his suite. "I want my future husband to be the happiest groom ever!" Yunlan blushed  upon hearing that. That made Shen Wei  cup his face and kiss Yunlan plumb lips, "Only the best for you my angel!"

    Suddenly  Da quing  called them because the party will begin. As they entered  all of the family, relatives, friends and guests clapped. While reporters  trying to get a good scoop with Shen Wei,  while the camera men kept taking their photos. "I thought we will only invite families and friends?" Said Yunlan. "Because I want the world to know that I will married the most handsome  bachelor in the whole world!" Said Shen Wei.

     "Oh! They're  my lovely couples!" Said Mr. Zhao with his wife and important  friends. They were surprise Mr. Guo Ying and his nephew Chang Cheng with Chu whose still tied up.  "Mr. Zhao your so lucky you got Mr. Shen I wanted him to pe paired with my daughter." Said Mr. Chengming. "If only I knew you like men? My son is quite available and much more handsome than Yunlan!" Said Mr. Ty and wink.

    That made Mr. Zhao frown and cough. "What are you all talking about?! He will marry my son! " As he pulled the pair away from his other friends. "Son! Don't  listen to them! They're  just jealous  you got Mr. Shen!" Yunlan tried to smile but his quite irk on what  the two friends of his father said to him. Shen Wei  on the other hand kiss Yunlan on the cheek. "Remember! I'm all yours!" To sooth his angry fiance. Mr. Zhao just roll his eyes but smile back. Yunlan on the other hand smile when Shen Wei  kiss him.

     In a minute they were introduce by Mr. Zhao as the engage couple. The two went to the stage while the guest clapped.  Yunlan never knew that Shen Wei  will sing for him. And he also answer it with a song.

     When the song ended, Yunlan was quite happy he kiss Shen Wei  on his lips infront of hundreds of people. Suddenly  confetti and ballons where dropped down on them. "This two!" Said Yezun. As all of them shout to make Yunlan to kiss the blushing Shen Wei  again. First Shen Wei  is a little  bit shy. But as Yunlan about to kiss him, Shen Wei  is the one initiated the heated kiss. Making Yunlan surprise as he almost can't  breath.

   In an hour everybody is having fun in the party, meanwhile the loving couple is dancing to the beat of a slow, romantic music. "Thanks! Xiao Wei!" Shen Wei  look puzzle on him,  For what?!" As cute brown eyes look at him. "For staying at my side through thick and thin!" Shen Wei  suddenly  twirled Yunlan and pulled him back into his arms, "It's  the other way around! Thanks! For not giving up on me!" As he kiss Yunlan passionately  at the center of the dance floor.

    "Look at these two! So sweet!" Said Da quing.  "Why do you want to copy them?" As Yezun twirl Da quing pulled him back. But Da quing  got dizzy and almost puke on Yezun suite. At the other side. Chang Cheng also copy Shen Wei  and Yunlan. But as he twirl Chu, the rope break. Making Chu ran for his life. "Damnmit!" As he run after Chu.

     Chu thought  he will be free as he saw a car park outside the party but suddenly  someone trip him. It was Sang whose date is Wang. Chang Cheng caught  Chu and lift him up like a bag of sack. "Thank you!" As he went back to the party.  Chu screaming for help.  But he was ignored by the people since they know whose Guo Chang Cheng is. And no one messes with him if you want your head still intact to your torso.

    Suddenly  the song became fast, the oldies  have already  retired  for the evening but the young ones dance all the night away. When suddenly  it shower beer making the people go wild  in dancing. Yunlan was shocked  tasting alcohol again as he remembered  something painful from his behind.

     He pulled the red beat Shen Wei  whose having fun tasting the shower away from it, "Ah Lan! What are you doing?! Were having fun here!" But Yunlan pulled him toward the garden. "Wow! We almost got drunk there again! I don't  want to experience that!"
As he take off his suite because his drench in alcohol.

    But he didn't  notice Shen Wei  intensely  gazing at him because his polo shirt is wet as well. And his well built body is being seen. Shen Wei  lick his lips. Making Yunlan look at him in puzzle. It was too late to notice that Shen Wei  is already drunk from the alcohol he have tasted and jump at him.

    Yezun and Da quing  on the  other hand was making out at the other room while Chang Cheng was having fun in the dance floor with Chu whose still protesting. Sang and Wang dancing in a slowly eventhough  the beat of the music is fast.

     When midnight came all of them were waisted except for Sang whose having a lovely dinner with Wang.

     In one of the bushes Shen Wei  hold Yunlan  tightly in his arms. They have just finished  a hot make out as their clothes were scattered all over the places. "My father would freak out on this!" Said Yunlan. Shen Wei  chuckled  as he top Yunlan. "I don't  care anymore! In a few days where gonna be married! And your all mine!" As he kissed  Yunlan again.

    Next morning  everyone got a headache. Yezun help Da quing  up as his feeling dizzy. "Where are we?!" He ask . "In the mansion of Yunlan!" As Yezun chuckled.  Chu on the other hand was carrying Guo back to his car with a few body guards.

    Suddenly  a maid  scream  at the garden and ran away, waking Shen Wei  and Yunlan up whose still embracing each other bare bodies. "Oh! My gosh! Get dress before my father finds out. As they hurriedly gathered  their clothes on the ground and wear back their clothes.



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