I Won't Let Go

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     Everybody freeze in their place, only Shen Wei  walk forward toward them. As Suzan thought Yunlan will be punished.

    But she was shocked as she didn't  notice Sha Ya was behind her and suddenly  slapped  her. "Why you  *bleep!* Why you slapped  me?!" While Yunlan was pulled and lead him behind Shen Wei's  back. "Don't  you know we have a camera on the back of the stage?! You are through!" As the men of Guo took Suzan and left.

    Shen Wei  unconciously  hugged  the shivering Yunlan, "Look everything is gonna be  fine! That woman will not bother  us anymore!" And rubbed  Yunlan's  shoulder. Da quing  suddenly  cough making Shen Wei retrieve  his hands from Yunlan.

    "Don't  worry Mr. Shen will take care of your  secretary for you!" As Da quing  and Yezun pulled Yunlan to them to their room. So their staffs will not get suspicious  on them. Shen Wei  want to hold Yunlan but can't  as all eyes look at them. He only thanks Sha Ya for slapping  Suzan because if she doesn't  do it he might be the one who slapped  her.

    Inside the  room, "Are you alright?! That woman  she thinks she owns everything because she's  a star! Luckily there's  a camera behind that wall and everything was recorded. She won't  harm you again Yunlan!" As he patted  his shoulder. "I'm just worried Shen Wei's  reputation! She might tarnished  it?" He said. "Actually Mr. Guo saw everything  and he assured  you that woman will not getting  near you or Shen Wei within one meter!" Said Yezun.

     After the filming finished,  Shen Wei  hurriedly  went to his room just to see Yunlan folding some of his clothes. He suddenly  ran toward  him and embraced him from  behind. "I'm so worried about you! I thought you really have a relationship  with that  witch?!"

    That made Yunlan frown, "Wait?! What?!" As he break his embrace  to Shen Wei.  "Don't  you believe  in me? I don't  like her?" He suddenly  face Shen Wei.  "Don't  you trust me?!" That's  when Shen Wei  realize the wrong word he said. "No! That's  not what I mean?!" As Shen Wei  want to retrieve  what he said.

    But Yunlan back away! And walk outside leaving Shen Wei in the room. And went up deck  to take some fresh  air. He was surprised  Mr. Guo and Chu who is tied up are there. "So Mr. Secretary what are you doing here?" While feeding Chu some french fries.

    "Just taking some fresh air here? Are you two dating?" Yunlan ask. "Yes!" Said Guo. "No! I'm captive can't  you see?!" Said Chu in irritation.  Suddenly  Guo tape back Chu's mouth. "Darling don't  get jealous  Yunlan's  only having some fresh air here?" Chu want to protest but can't  because his tied up.

    "So what seems to be the problem?" He ask. Yunlan explain everything to him. "Funny! I'm just like talking to my little  didi whose mature already?" Said Yunlan. Guo laugh, "Love birds! Right my love!" As he pinched  Chu on the cheek. Chu want to scream angrily at  him  but can't. "It's  only a little  things, forgive Mr. Shen and go back to him." As Guo wave at him. While Chu is shaking his head in disagree.

     "Thanks!" As Yunlan descended  downstairs. "My love don't  disagree with I might do something  to you that you might regret?" While Chu shake his head in frustration  because he can't  get out of Guo's  hold.

    Downstairs,  Yunlan was welcome by a worried Shen Wei.  He suddenly  jump at him and hugged  the bewildered  Shen Wei.  "Does this mean you forgive me?" He ask. "How can I say no to my beautiful  bride to be!" That made Shen Wei  widen his eyes, "Excuse me! I'm not the bride here?!"  As he hold Yunlan tightly.  "Sorry it's  too late to back away! Since  you accept  my proposal!" Said Yunlan and snuggle to Shen Wei's  hold.

    Back in their country, Zhu Hong escape the mental hospital, "That little  brat! You think you can stop me! When you come back here! Be prepared because I'm gonna bring you back to your father! Wheather you like it or not?!!!" She shout. As she drove a minnie truck owned by one of the security guards away from the hospital. And called  his uncle to give  her another chance.

    At the studio while Da quing  and Yezun was bringing  the the things of Shen Wei in the car, "Where are the two of them? Yunlan  should have help us?!" Said Yezun whose whining.  " Look at my beautiful  hands it's  ruin!" Suddenly  Da quing  took the stuff that Yezun is carrying and place it in the car. 

    "Stop whinning! And let us finish this up!" As Da quing  know Yunlan have been upset on what happened  to him and the issue of trusting to one another. Suddenly  he was startled  as Yezun hugged  him behind. "My hero! Thank you for carrying  the big stuff!" Da quing  laugh. "I can't  believe  such a tall guy like you can't even  carry a few luggages?!" Yezun suddenly  batted  his eyes on him. "I knew you can't  say no to me because I'm lovely like my gege! And you like me too!" That made Da quing  laugh again.

    "Your brother is a beautiful prince  but you is a whinning  one! I can't  believe  I like a spoiled  brat like you!" That made Yezun smirk, "Then you admit you like me?!" He wiggle his brow. "No!" Said Da quing  as he trying to avoid him. While  Yezun nagging him non stop.

   On the other  hand  Yunlan is having lovely time in Shen Wei's  arms. "Ah Lan! When we come back to our country! I want to marry you quickly! And we gonna build a big family!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes. "But how about your career and contract?! And my father he will surely be waiting for us!" He said.

    "About my contract it will be expired when I come back home. It will not be a problem anymore. And about my career maybe I'll be changing it! And start my restaurant  business!" Yunlan look worried. "Are you sure about it?" Shen Wei  nod. As for your father? I must face him now before  we get married! I want his permission  to marry you!" That made Yunlan pop his eyes off.

   "He won't  approve it!" But that made Shen Wei  smirk, "I have a proposition  he won't  say no to it! And it will be a surprise!"



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