Dance For Me

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     Shen Wei  was patiently waiting at the table for Yunlan suddenly  he heard a commotion.

   And ran toward the men's  room only to see havok happening  and Yunlan is in the middle  of it. The other men ran outside the toilet. Shen Wei  was about to go inside when Chu thrown a mirror on him luckily he avoided it. The other body guards hold Shen Wei. 

     "If I were you sir we will wait for Mr. Guo to finish his fighting with the kidnapper if you don't  want to be hurt by him. "Wait! What about my secretary!" He shout. As he saw Guo pulled back Chu whose grabbing Yunlan.

   He suddenly  flipped  him again making him release Yunlan  whose trying to get away from the fight. But as Chu see Yunlan escaping he suddenly  shut the door. While Guo hit him at the back. "I'm jealous! Your eyes kept looking at Shen Wei's  secretary! And not me!" As Guo almost hit him hard on the head.

   But Chu deflect it with both of his arms. "Sorry! But your not my type!" That made Guo smirk. "Don't  worry  I'll make you like me!" As he hit Chu hard on the head with his high kick.  Making him stumble and fall. The men of Guo took Chu away. Shen Wei  hurriedly ran toward Yunlan who is shocked to move.
"Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  hug him.

    "That.....that....guy!" As he pointed to Guo. " Yes! I know he knows how to kick ass! That's  why his assigned to us by his uncle!" Guo suddenly  change to himself again. "Secretary  Lan lan! Are you okay now? I just kick that  guys butt!" As he giggle. Yunlan can't  believe  his the fearless fighter who blocks Chu every move.

    Shen Wei  straightened  Yunlan suite, so can we continue our date now? That man is gone?" Yunlan just nod in reply.
While eating Shen Wei  notice Yunlan just playing with his fork and can't  eat. Shen Wei  squeeze  his hands, "Everything is going to be fine! Mr. Guo Chang Cheng is guarding us! Your father can't  come here to take you away from me!" Said Shen Wei.

    "Yes I  know! I hope your work is finish already so we could go home and I have a  surprise for you! After this!" Shen Wei  smile a surprise? Okay !" As Shen Wei  finished eating so Yunlan can give him the surprise.

    In an hour as they to a park, at the edge of yhe city. Shen Wei  was stunned  looking at the lights of the city below. "It's  beautiful!" He said. "But not as beautiful as you!" Yunlan suddenly  get down his knee and propose to Shen Wei.  As he gave him a ring. Shen Wei  was shocked and about  to cry.

    "I know it's  not a good timing on what happened  just a while ago! But I can't  wait! I might not get a chance again?" Shen Wei  nod and put on the ring. And pulled  Yunlan for a kiss. "Your mine! I'm not gonna leave you!" Said Shen Wei.  And sit on the grass to watched  over the busy streets.

    "After this we will tour around the world if you like?" Shen Wei  said and laid his head on Yunlan's  shoulder. Yunlan entwined  their fingers. "Anywhere you go I will follow you!" And lean his head on Shen Wei.

    Mr. Zhao was really furious  knowing Chu have failed. "Stupid Chu! Now what I am gonna do?!" As Xin ci think again.

    Meanwhile  Shen Wei  and Yunlan went to a bar and dance the night away. "Hey! Is it alright for you to be here drinking?" Ask Yunlan. "Ah Lan my love! Where not in our country! No one knows us here and no one cares!" Suddenly  Shen Wei  took Yunlan's  face with both hands and kiss him senselessly.  And just like that Yunlsn forgot they're  at the center of the dance floor and replied to the heated kiss of Shen Wei. 

   While the music played  loud, the lights kept blinking and the people  kept shouting and swaying their hips. They didn't  notice two people is already making out in the middle of the dance floor.

   An hour pass Yunlan is the one driving now because  Shen Wei  is a bit drunk and dizzy.  As they get to the park of their hotel. Suddenly  Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan to a steamy kiss again. "Xiao Wei! Not here! Someone might see us!" As Yunlan help him get up. But as the moment  Shen Wei  hugged  him.

     He suddenly  attack him with kisses again, making Yunlan giggle and tried to stop him. "Not here! I told you!"  Luckily he stopped  in a nick of time as passerby came. And said good evening  to them.

    But when Yunlan and Shen Wei  got in the elevator. Shen Wei  suddenly  again attack Yunlan with kisses and whispered  I want you!" Yunlan tried to stop him. But as the elevator close, Shen Wei  lips was upon his and hands roaming inside his shirt and pants. Yunlan can't  help  moaning his touch ignites a fire burning inside. In which Yunlan can't  hold it right now and respond  to his kiss.

    "Aaaaah.....Xiao.....Wei!!!" Yunlan kept caressing his hair when suddenly. The elevator ring. And an elder couple enter in, Yunlan and Shen Wei  smile while straightening  their shirt . The old man don't  mind them but his wife giggle. As the elevator ring again, before the elder couple got out. "Son! I think your pants have fallen down!" Said the old woman. As the old man pulled his wife out. "Youngsters!" Shout the man.

    As the elevator close, Yunlan went red because his the one pants is on the ground. "Xiao Wei! Look at what you did!" But as he bend to wear back his pants. The drunk Shen Wei pinned him on the wall and took off his boxer. "Xio Wei! What are you doing?!" Something entered  his hole making him yelp in surprise.  While Shen Wei  kept kissing him on the nape while he rock his body unto him until he hit his soft spot. Making Yunlan moan his name.

    Yunlan never knew how many times Shen Wei  burst inside of him. As he stop the elevator from opening. Outside people thought that the elevator is under repair. And just  use the other elevator and stairs.


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