Unfortunate Incident

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     In the banquet  everyone is gathering  around because Shen Wei  was about to throw the bouquet.

    Single women all gather to get the bouquet but when Shen Wei  thrown it. Yezun pushed Da quing  infront and getting the flowers  himself making all women frown at him and look angry. Da quing  laugh a little  as he slowly back away.

    After that they started the first dance which lead the others to the dance floor. While the newly wed couples are having fun. Shen Wei  suddenly  excuse himself to go to the toilet making Yunlan sit for  a while to wait for him.

    While his combing his hair at the mirror suddenly  someone grab him from behind he tried to fight him. And elbow him hard when he get out of his grip he kick the guys chin. But suddenly  someone kick him on the stomach and punch him on the face. Making him thrown on the mirror as it crack it to many pieces.

    Meanwhile Yunlan suddenly  felt something  wrong, on what taking Shen Wei  so long. He suddenly  stand up and ran toward the toilet making Da quing  and Yezun look worried and followed him. They were shocked seeing the shattered  mirror with blood. "Xiao Wei!!!!" He cried.

    Yunlan suddenly  ran toward the blood trailed followed by Yezun and Da quing. In the mean time, Shen Wei  was being carried by Ming with Zhu Hong, "Are you sure we can get a lot of money with this guy?!" Ming ask. "Yes! Yunlan is richer than anyone! Plus I want Mr. Zhao to pay for setting me aside his trusted relatives and long time bodyguard! By ruining  his son's  marriage!"

    But they didn't  expect to run to some Shen Wei's  fans. The girls scream and tried to help their idols. Zhu Hong shoved them aside but their scream alerted someone else, Guo and Chu whose running late at the party. "What do we have here?!" Said Guo.

    "Cousin! What are you doing?! Your ruining our cousin's  wedding!!!" Shout Chu. But suddenly  Zhu Hong took out a gun and pointed to Chu. Making Guo mad as he hit the wrist of Zhu Hong, making her drop the gun  and have a sparring match to him.

   While they're fighting  Chu is trying to get Shen Wei  out of Ming's gripped, but Ming also have a gun. One of the fans of Shen Wei  run to get help meeting Yunlan and his friends. As she pointed where Shen Wei's  is being held.

    "Hurry! Called  the other body guards there for help!" Command Yunlan. As the girl nod and ran toward the party. While Yunlan and his friends ran toward the fighting and seeing Shen Wei  being held by a stranger whose carrying a gun that pointed to Chu.

   "Xiao Wei!!!" He shout making Zhu Hong distracted  at the call. When Guo suddenly  kick her in the face knocking her down. Ming sweat as he see his out number. But his still holding the ace card in his hands,  which is the unconcious  Shen Wei  whose  dripping  blood on his head.

   "Let go of him!" Yunlan want to punch the guy whose hurt his new wife. But Da quing hold him because the guy have a gun and pointed to Shen Wei's  head. "Let go of my gege!" Shout Yezun. "Don't  you dare come near us!" Said Ming.  Ming tried to shoved Shen Wei  to the car making Yunlan jump at him. Suddenly  gun shot were heard.  "No!!!" Shout Da quing.

    Slowly  Yunlan fall to the ground. While Guo knock down Ming in one blow at the back.  "Lan! Lan! Don't  leave me!" Cried Da quing  as he saw blood on Yunlan's  chest. "Xiao Wei! Is he fine?!" As he saw Yezun pulled Shen Wei  out of the car. Before he black out.

    Ambulance and police came. Arresting Zhu Hong and Ming. Mr. Zhao slapped  Zhu Hong, "After all I did for you and your family! This is what you repaid to me! Take her away!" Shout Mr. Zhao. While Yunlan and Shen Wei  was taken to a different ambulance.  Shen Wei  is with his did and manager Cong Bo while Yunlan are with Da quing  and his parents.

    Both in seriouse condition. And brought to the ER, the doctors and nurses are taking out the bullet near Yunlan's  heart while at Shen Wei  condition. The doctors and nurses are  sewing his wounds on the head and taking off the glass bits by bits to not make the brain affected. "Why did this tragic happened at their wedding day!" Mrs. Zhao cried while his husband comfort him.

*In Shen Wei's  Dream*

     "Where am I?" As he look at his surroundings, "It looks like a garden?" He said to himself. Then he saw someone sitting at the river nearby. "Who are you?!" He ask the handsome guy,  he only smile and lift his finger to see he have a wedding ring. Shen Wei  look at his hand and saw there's  also a wedding ring on his fingers.

   "Are we married?!" He blushed  and smiled.  The guy nod, "Why can't  you talk?! Talk to me! Please!" As he hugged  the man. But he suddenly  disappeared.  Leaving him alone. "No!!! I didn't  even know your name?!!! Don't  leave me here!!!" As he cried. Suddenly  he heard his didi calling his name. Making him jolt to wake up.

*End Of The Dream*

     The beeper of his heart bit suddenly  jump high as Shen Wei  fluttered his beautiful long lashes and woke up. "Where am I?!" As he look at his surrounding. "Gege!!!" He was welcome  by his didi crying face. "At last your awake!!!" And hugged  his gege. His manager Cong Bo also cried with Guo, Chu and Mr. Guo Ying.

    They all happily  welcome him back  but he suddenly  said. "Didi! I have this wierd dream that I met a guy. His so handsome but with a sad face eventhough he smile back at me. And he let me see his wearing a wedding ring just like me! But he disappeared..... I  didn't  even know his name?" Yezun and the other was shocked  hearing that.

    "Gege..... you are married and his name is Zhao Yunlan." Said his didi as tears dropped  from his eyes. "WHAT?!!! I'M MARRIED?!!! HOW?!!! AND WHERE IS HE?!!!" Shen Wei  ask. Both Yezun and the other look at each other. "Can I tell him?" Yezun ask the other.


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