Meeting Her And Him

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    Next day Yunlan was surprise Mr. Zhuiji came with his daughter  who is tied up in a wheelchair.

    Mrs. Zhao is no quiet happy while his husband welcome his friends with open arms. "This is my daughter  Zuzu!" Zhuiji smile to Yunlan. "Zuzu this is my son Yunlan! Yunlan isn't  she beautiful?!" His father ask.

    "Why she's  tied in a wheelchair? Is she gonna fly away!" Both of them laugh. "At least I'm doing well! As I can see your father really beat you up well and even chained  you just to meet with me?!" She laugh. "Zuzu! My apologize!" Zhuji scolded his daughter.  "Let's  leave the two lovebirds so they can know each other!" Said Xin ci.

    Meanwhile the manager of Shen Wei  is blocking their way. "You know whose your dealing with?! He will eat you alive if you take his son?! He will destroy your career ! Do you hear me?! He will destroy  you! Not only you but your didi! Do you understand! Your bumping at a brick wall! Not only brick  wall but a whole building! Do you hear me?! A whole  building! That's  how powerful is Yunlan father!"

   But Shen Wei  still insist on rescuing  Yunlan. "Didi! Are you with me? Eventhough it may change your fate and career?" Yezun just laugh. "Oh gege! I'm just waiting  that you might go crazy and do something  like this! I'm in it! Let me do this exciting thing to have color in my boring life!" As both brothers agree. Cong Bo sweat, "I'm gonna regret this!"

    Meanwhile the two meant to be married both yelling at one another. "That's  why I don't  like men! They don't  think of the others  feelings!!!!" She shout. "Women always complain!!!" Shout Yunlan.  The guards guarding them rool their eyes.  "Why can't  they discuss calmly?" Said the other guard. "There will be world war three in their house always if they're  married?" The other guard shivered. "I don't  want to be appointed to them!"

    While their parents  went to a nearby restaurant  to discuss on their wedding.
Moments later. A doctor  and one nurse came. "Check up!" Said the doctor, as the guards let them in.

    Suddenly  the fire alarm came the two body guards got in the room to save Yunlan and Zuzu. Just to be hit on the head by Shen Wei  and Yezun. "YUNLAN!" Shout Shen Wei  and kiss him passionately.  "Where here to rescue you!" And cut the chain with a wire cutters or nipper.  While he sit  him on a wheel chair. "Hey! How about me?! Help me get out here before my father came!" Shout Zuzu. "Who are you?!" As Yezun. "Zuzu! I'm Yunlan's  fiancee! But I don't  want too! Look my girlfriend  is waiting for me! Help me get out of here! So I might not marry him!"

   When they came out in a minute, "Wait! What about Da quing?!" Yunlan ask. "Don't  worry Cong Bo had got him out first before you do! As the five of them escape. And drove away. At the back of the van Shen  Wei can't stop kissing Yunlan and laid his head on his lap. While Da quing  dump at the other back with  Cong Bo. Yezun and Zuzu is in the front,  driving the van while wearing a hooded  jump suite.

    "They really love each other?" Said Zuzu as she saw how Shen Wei  lovingly  take care of Yunlan. " Yeah! Hey! Lady! Where did you  want me to drop you?" Yezun ask. "Can I use your phone please! To call my girlfriend? My father took my phone!" Batting her eyes to Yezun. Yezun gave his phone as Zuzu call her woman.

    At the back of the van, "Lan lan! Can I call now your real name?" He ask. Yunlan nod in reply. "Yunlan where going to my hidden resort that no one knew well except my didi  and manager! We cannot stay in my apartment! Your father might come there." Yunlan  smile, "I'm sorry because of me your career might be ruin." While touching Shen Wei's  cheek. "I don't  care! As long your with me!" While holding his hand.

    In a minute Zuzu was dropped  in a grocery store where an equal beautiful woman waiting for her. She can't  help to hug the woman and bid farewell  to them.

    "Crazy woman! Luckily  she didn't  marry you!" Tease Yezun. "No! If she did we will always  fight one another! She's  nothing like your Gege! Xiao Wei  is very gentle! And much more beautiful than her!" That made Shen Wei  blush and kiss Yunlan again. Yezun roll his eyes. While Cong Bo, "Hey! Help here! Your friend  is drolling over me!"

    When the parents of Yunlan and Zuzu came. "WHATTA HELL!!! WHERE'S MY SON!!!!" Shout Xin ci. "My daughter! My little  Zuzu where's  my daughter!!!! Xin ci! What have your son done with my daughter?!!! Did  he kidnapped  her?!!!" Ask Zhuijj.  Mrs. Zhao was outrage  "How can my son kidnapped your daughter?! He can't  even move!" Shout Mrs. Zhao. "NO! BUT HIS LOVER IS? SHEN WEI! WE MUST GET TO HIS APARTMENT!!!" He suddenly  called his body guards. And off they went there. Only to discovered there's  no one living around. "NOOO!!!" Scream Xin ci in frustration.

    Meanwhile   Shen Wei , Yunlan and his friends went to his hidden resort place. Their butler Lin Jing came. "Welcome home Mr. Shen!" But he was surprised  Mr. Shen is carrying  an unidentified  man. "Lin Jing help me up here!" While helping him lift Yunlan. "Whose this man sir?!" Shen Wei  smirk, "Yunlan my lover! My soon to be husband!" That made Yunlan become red.

    But as Butler Lin Jing look at his back. He was shocked,  Master Yezun and Cong Bo carrying an unconscious strange guy as well. "Don't  tell me there's  two?!" That made them laugh. "No! No! This one is just a friend whose been tag along!" Said Yezun. "Didi!" Shout Shen Wei.   "Ooops! Sorry...." Butler Lin Jing both look at them.

    " You never kidnapped  them? Right Master Wei? Master Yezun?" He ask. "Just shut your ass! And keep moving! This guy a bit heavy!" Shout Cong Bo.

MY SECRET LOVE IS YOUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang