Chpater 23: The truth

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"Did you know every minute you are angry, you are angry for 60 seconds!" ~author nim

"Did you know every minute you are angry, you are angry for 60 seconds!" ~author nim

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Your brother looked at you with big eyes for a few seconds, before shoving Hoseok out the way and giving you a tight embrace. You felt your right shoulder being soaked. You saw his black shirt turn into blue.

"I've missed you, you idiot." Your brother's muffled voice entered your ears.

"Tell me why you never contacted me?" You pushed your brother away.

"Well I—I was scared." He looked away swiping the tears off his face.

"Well let's get going inside, my back is hurting from that shove you did!" Hoseok clapped his hands before breaking the door down with his powers. You were flabbergasted, how come your brother or Hoseok wasn't surprised, is this a normal thing?!

As you both entered the house and sat down in the living room, Hoseok came out the kitchen with drinks and snacks.

"You guys can talk and eat I'll be in your room playing games." He winked before walking away. You looked at your brother. The air was pretty tense.

"Seojun I need to tell you something.." you grabbed the hem of your jacket.

"Okay! Tell me," your brother grabbed a water bottle and took a big sip.

As you took of your jacket, your brother spit out his water and started coughing water. His shirt turned into a bright red.

"What did you do?" He looked at you with a serious face.

"You weren't there for me for 3 years it's not my problem you missed everything."

You had a habit of talking with your hands when getting your point across.

"After you left, I locked myself in my room for a year and only came out when I had to eat. The times I locked myself, the only thought that came into my mind was that it was my fault for making you leave. After that mom and dad forced me to leave my room and to apply to a private college!" You shouted.

"I'm so sorry, " Seojun genuinely apologized. His shirt had turned into a pink color.

"I'm fine now anyways." You crossed your arms.

"Except for the marks, please enlighten me on that." He sat up straight.

"I may or may not be the next savior. I may or may not have been marked by a demon, and I may or may not have to go to the underground portal to save Novis." You answered him being confused with the word choice you used.

"So let me get this straight. You're the next savior, you've been marked by a demon, and you have to go to the demon portal to save Novis." He listed everything you said.

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