(15) Not in the Hero League

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Rose woke up for the second time that morning and proceeded with her morning routine- well it took some time to get Chloride off her but she got up and dressed. Now as you might have guessed, Rose wasn't the biggest fan of the UA uniform. She never bothered with the tie...mostly because she doesn't know how, but she got to wear her work boots so that was a plus. After getting dressed and packing her bag, she met Q in the kitchen for breakfast.

Rose had been living with him and his pets for a few weeks and quickly got used to the change. They would go to school, come home, and build gadgets and gizmos together before bed. With her passion and his lack of sanity, the two are an unstoppable and frightening team.

Q fixed himself a meal, gathered his own things, and downed about a half gallon of coffee, getting prepared himself. "Ready for school?"

"Ready if you are." Rose replied and opened the door for him. He let the dogs outside and set out food for Neon, then was out the door with her.

Classes have been as usual with hours of explosions and panicking with a lesson or two in between. Q loved to teach and the kids all loved to invent so it went pretty smoothly, all things considered. But today the 1H students would get a new and exciting assignment...

"Alright kiddos listen up!" Q began while fanning away more smoke, "I have a new project for you all. Together..you will work to design and build support items for the students going on the USJ field trip!" He cheered and raised a fist while waiting for the excitement from them. Though the class stood silent and unenthused.

"Aww, how come we can't go on a field trip?" One student whined setting off a wave of similar questions and complaints.

"Settle down, settle down. Now I know what we do isn't as exciting as training with pro heros, but I promise it will be fun! This will help them out a lot and be the stepping stone to presenting your gadgets to investors and buyers." The class seemed a little more on board with the idea after. "1H has been paired with 1A. They will train on the field outside after lunch where we will pair you off to each design support gear for the heros. You all have extraordinary talent, and I know they will just be so greatful for your help! We can really give these kids a boost with the help of hard work and good old SCIENCE!!" Q moved to motivate the students for this assignment, and with that, the bell rang and the students were dismissed.

Rose's POV:

After lunch we did as told and went to the P.E. field to meet the heroics kids. Not gonna lie, it was disappointing to hear we won't be going on the field trip with them but everyone seemed to be pretty happy with just building stuff for them.

I on the other hand was still pretty salty about them looking down on us like "eXtRaS".

"I dont get why we have to build gadgets for them in the first place if we're not even gonna go with them to the USJ," I said to Mei who was raving with excitement over the project.

"Well we are the support department. And cheer up! This will be fun! Finally, I'll have a body to test all my newest babies on," She jabbered and flipped through her sketchbook of gadget ideas.

A minute or two later, the colorful group who I assumed was our test-subject class came out to the field in their hero costumes. Now I knew to get into the heroics course one would need a strong and flashy quirk but wow-

Unlike the plain faces of the background, every single one of these guys looked like they could very easily be the main protagonist of some crazy comic book.

Lets see we got...cute alien....hot topic bird?....robo cop...half & half...space girl...some karate teacher with a tail?...detective pikachu...and the humble frog. Very interesting

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