(22) Game on, Extras

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Silence filled the track field once one of UA's robots had taken a hard hit, sending a loud crash as it collapsed to the ground landing on a few students. The others who had paused to let it fall before passing came to a quiet halt and watched while determined students sprinted on to finish the obstacle race. Those watching in the stands from the TVs at the arena fell completely silent. One could hear a literal pin drop while the robot laid motionless in the dirt. Tension and nervousness hit everyone like a bus; mostly in Prof. Q as he watched the bot fall onto his star student. He felt worry and terror bubble up inside of him until-


⏸️*Record scratch* ️▶️

Hey, Rose here, and I bet you're wondering how I got into this sticky situation....

Well how do these things really start? One minute you're eating lunch with your friends, the next you're busting out of a giant robot to later fight your peers in order to become a super hero. As you do

Ight no point in stalling let's just back it up to where we left off


"Attention first years!" Once again the students were called to look at the stage while Midnight cracked her wip. "Save the chatter for the loser bench it's time to go plus ultra!!!!" She held her fist up in the air to get the kids excited- a too easy task for her - and disregard Katsuki Bakugo's.... confident speech.

"It's time for the first challenge! Looky here at my fabulous wheel of pain!" She gestured to a Wheel of Fortune styled wheel next to her dramatically posed physique. With an equally dramatic flick of her wrist, Midnight spin the wheel, the flashy colors going round and round as Midnight hummed to herself and watched with everyone. "Hmm around and around it goes, where will it stop nobody knows..." the wheel stopped as Midnight called out the name of the first challenge "Obstacle Race!!" A mix of groans and cheers could lghtly be heard through the student body as Midnight went on. "Students will have to run through the track that is around the stadium, but be careful because teachers have strategically planned challenges throughout to slow you down! Do your best to make it through faster than your peers, and as long as you don't leave the course....you're free to do whatever your heart desires!" The woman cracked her whip once more to emphasize the last sentence.

With that, the first years had five short minute to get to the gates before the contest started. Most ran towards the entrance to get a good spot in front while the others saved their energy and took their time. Rose stuffed her hands into the pockets of her fancy new gym uniform and walked over to the gates. When doing so she took a look around the stands where a hyper green spec was waving around to flag someone down. After looking behind her she knew she had to be the target for this person and upon closer vision, she could see the fast green floof was Professor Green Floof.

"Make it quick Q I gotta get going," she said walking up to the stands as Q leaned over the side. He was clearly out of breath after running around to get her over there and took a second to breath before talking. "I wanted to say good luck out there chuckaboo! Show those heros what you're made of I believe in you!! No matter what happens never look back! You know I always say: keep moving forward! you've learned so much that will get you so far in this."

Rose couldn't help but smile, Q always had the power to make anything seem possible. No matter how out of reach her dreams seemed, Q can and would make it achievable.

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