(34) Fate: To Be A Hero Part 2

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In the blink of an eye, before anyone knew it..

It was over..

I came to UA with one goal in mind: become a hero. In many ways, I came close to succeeding. I could feel the warmth of the spotlight come closer and closer with every effort I gave to it. By the final round, I felt that I truly could become a hero. It all seemed so possible.

Then I blew it.

Don't ask me why because let me tell you I have no good reason for that stupid decision. I barely gave myself a chance to think about what I was doing, what I was throwing away before I started walking out of that ring. It wasn't that I didn't think I could beat Shinso; I knew I could. I just... I don't know, maybe it was what he said before the match, or when he mentioned fate. It was like I knew what to do. Like I acted before I could realize, and my legs began to move without thinking.

Hitoshii's destiny was to become a hero. That was something he wanted to make for himself, and I could relate to that. Knowing that only one of us might have a chance at being a hero, I had to think about which one of us was that destiny made for. Don't get me wrong, this isn't over for me. I would still find a way to be a hero because even if it isn't my destiny, it's still my ticket home, and I had to remember that.


Pretty soon after the final round ended, the top three contestants were called to take their place on the pedestals where they would receive the medals. I was so lost in my last round that I almost forgot the fact that, even though I lost, I was still in second place. I beat every single hero course student there and will go down as one of the first students from Support to place in the Sports Festival.

And that's pretty damn awesome to me.

I didn't have a chance to talk to anyone before we went up. The administration thought it would be best to get the ceremony over with since everyone was exhausted. They started with Bakugo who had won his fight against Todoroki who refused to use his flames in the fight. Not sure why, but guessing by Bakugo's attitude by the end, it wasn't good. Bakugo thrashed and shouted while they kept him tied up long enough to receive his medal. Though he didn't wear it so much as chomp the strap.

How heroic.

I must say it was good to be able to stand next to him on the second place pedestal. The empowerment almost made it worth the absolute destruction of my precious automail. The number one hero, All Might, whom I haven't seen outside of hologram, presented me with my medal and a short speech.

"Tallulah Rosemary," he began. His voice was exactly like the video UA sent out after the entrance exams, boastful and strong. "I am as proud as I am astonished to say that you are UA's very first member of the Department of Support to place in this festival! You took a lot of people by surprise here today, and I am happy to congratulate you this medal for second place!" I bowed my head towards him as the strap of my award slid across my neck. I noticed that it was heavier than expected, or it could be the fact that I was both mentally and physically exhausted.

I looked up at All Might as he still held that same heroic smile on his face. That's one thing I noticed about real heros that separated them from others: real heros can smile through anything. It's a sign of security and strength. Oh, to be like them.

The tall hero, still one of few people to make me feel short, raised a hand at me with an honorable salute. "Young lady, you have shown outstanding potential today. I have no doubt that with determination like yours, you can certainly achieve your dreams." It was weird to hear him say that. To think, the first time he spoke to me as a teacher from UA, he was breaking the news that I won't be a hero; that my hard work was for nothing. But now, seeing what I'm capable of, I really think All Might saw something in me that I've been trying to prove for so long. And it was nice.

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