chapter eight

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I opened my eyes, turning slightly when I didn't feel Rafe behind me. I furrowed my brows as I realized that he'd left.

I reached for my phone when it buzzed next to me, seeing a few messages from him.

'I had a few things I needed to do this morning. Text me when you wake up.'

I then checked the other messages, the only ones left being a few from Sarah.

'I need to talk to you. Please meet me at my house. It's urgent.'

I got out of bed, I put my hair in a high ponytail, getting dressed and leaving the house. I texted Rafe on my way to meet Sarah, telling him that I'd be at his home for quite some time.


As soon as I knocked on her bedroom door, she quickly opened it, pulling me into a tight hug. I felt her body shake in my embrace, making me believe she was crying. The sniffles that she tried to hide proved me that I'd been right.

"Sarah, what's wrong?" She pulled away at my question, shaking her head before closing the door behind us. She sat on her bed, quietly telling me to do the same. She hiccuped a few times as she tried to talk.

"I- I was with Topper last night. We were so close to doing it- But I- I just couldn't." She said as she tried to wipe her tears away, but failing as new ones fell on her rosy cheeks.

"It's okay." She made a face at my words, but choose not to say anything. "Believe me. You're going to find someone, if not Topper, with whom you'll feel ready. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Trust me, I've literally never kissed a boy until like two days ago." I laughed as I finished my speech. She gasped, pulling me into another hug.

"I'm so happy for you, Y/n. It's still a little bit weird, you know, talking about my brother this way, but I'm really happy for you." She smiled, but after a while, it faded into something I couldn't really name. Then it dawned on me, what happened after she refused?

"Wait, was Topper cool with it? You know, after you told him you weren't ready?" She looked down at her hands, avoiding eye contact. I put me hands on hers, making her raise her eyes to meet mine.

"No, and that's what I was afraid of happening. He was really into it, you know? Like he was in the mood, but I ruined it." She sighed, her puffy eyes told me that she was trying to keep her tears at bay. "He just yelled and then left."

"Are you okay?" She slowly nodded, her hands resting on her crossed legs.

"Yeah, I- uh- I think so. It's just, this has never happened before and I felt horrible." I reached over to her, wanting to hold her close. We hugged for a few minutes in total silence. No one wanted to say anything, no words were needed anymore. She was the first to pull away, smiling cheekily.

"What's up with you and Rafe?" I shrugged, not knowing what to tell her. We didn't really do anything.

"I don't know, I mean, we just made out, but like that's it. He slept over twice, but nothing happened." I paused, looking anywhere but at her. "I don't know it I want anything to happen." She smiled, nodding.

"I can tell you really like each other." I questioningly raised an eyebrow at her. "I see the way you look at each other, Y/n. I'm not blind."

"It's just so new. And I've never done this before, I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I groaned, covering my face with my hands. She pulled them away, making me look at her.

"You don't have to rush anything. It's better to go slower than too fast."

Author's Note: Kind of a filler chapter! I know it's really short, but I felt like I needed to have the reader bond with Sarah for a bit! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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