chapter twelve

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I opened my eyes to find Rafe looking down at me. His hair was disheveled, very different from the way he usually styled it. However, it didn't bother me, reminding me of what happened last night.

"Hi." I said as I smiled, my hand going to brush his jaw. His eyes searched my face as I did so.

"Good morning." I'd never seen him smile so genuine. "Are you okay?" He whispered, his lips coming very close to my ear. I nodded, kissing him slowly.


One look at the clock had me getting out of bed, mumbling some apologies to him. I retrieved my bra and panties, taking a sweatshirt of his to cover me until I reached Sarah's room to get some shorts. I'd left my dress somewhere in his room, knowing I wouldn't have enough time to take it back home. I had to meet my aunt and her husband, along with their kids.

We met at the Wreck, being the only place they knew how to get to. As soon as I entered the restaurant, my gaze met my mother's and I wanted to turn around and run back to Rafe. I approached their table with a smile, my eyes going over everyone. My uncle sat next to my aunt, who sat next to my mom, the only free seat, the one I had to sit on, was next to my mom. On the other side sat Lana, my cousin, next to her boyfriend, Josh. Next to them sat Andrew, my other cousins, and his best friend, Ben.

"You're late, sweetheart." My mother said, not even turning to greet me. My aunt stood up, coming over to hug me.

"Oh, look how much you've changed! You're such a lady." I smiled, happy to hear those words. My uncle stood behind her, waiting for his turn to hug me.

"You're tall now." He laughed, when he was in front of me. Lana only raised her gaze to meet mine, her eyebrow raising as she looked over my outfit. Her action made me anxiously wrap my arms around me, hurrying to sit down. Andrew smiled at me, raising his hand to fist bump me. I laughed at this, happy that he was excited to see me. Josh and Ben only exchanged pleasantries with me before quickly turning back to their conversations.

I ate in silence, only listening to the conversations around me. I sent Rafe a message, apologizing once again for leaving so early.

"I really want to go on the yacht." Lana said, turning to my mother. I raised my eyebrows, waiting to see what her answer was going to be.

"Not without us." She said definitively. Lana groaned, her gaze finding mine, hoping I'd help her. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic reaction.

"I don't think she wants you grownups to be there." I fake laughed, still looking at my cousin. Lana nodded, mouthing a 'thanks' my way.

"There's no way you're going to be alone on that boat." She paused to look at me, before smiling. "Unless Rafe comes with you." I coughed, not expecting her to say that. "And that's a prefect way for you to meet her boyfriend."

"No way! You have boyfriend?" Lana gasped, her hands covering her heart. I nodded confidently, knowing that Rafe would make her lose her mind.

I sent him another message, this time asking him if he wanted to come with us on the yacht. However, he didn't reply, making me call him after a few hours of ghosting me. He didn't answer, leaving me concerned. What if something happened to him? I called Sarah, asking her where he was, but she only told me that he stormed out of the house. Why was he angry? I then called Topper, knowing that he had to be with him. He gave Rafe the phone, letting me talk to him.

"Rafe? What's wrong?" I heard him scoff through the phone.

"Don't 'what's wrong' me, Y/n. You could've told me before you practically ran out of the house."

"I told you I had to meet my family. I'm sorry, but I was late." I said, not knowing what his problem was.

"That's a nice way to put it, isn't it?" He slightly slurred his words, he was drunk.

"Are you drunk? It's four in the afternoon, Rafe."

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm not. I don't even know what you're talking about."

"You could've told me you regretted what happened last night. You didn't have to run away." He tried to keep calm, but I could tell he was going to explode.

"How could I regret it? I've never felt so good in my life."

"I think it's better if we don't talk anymore. You can tell everyone we broke up or something." He said before he hung up, not letting me say anything. I was lucky I was in the comfort of my own room, so I let myself fall on my bed. I broke down, crying my eyes out for what felt like hours. I only wanted to do the right thing and then this happened? His smell was everywhere around me, from my bedsheets to the sweatshirt I was wearing.

Author's Note: Get ready for some drama!! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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