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Hari woke up the next morning in an amazing mood that was quickly ruined when she realized Slughorn still taught potions. She sighed as she put on her school robes. She quickly fled downstairs to avoid the other girls.

"Why hello Hari. We've got something to show you." Hari raised a suspicious brow but followed the twins to an alcove.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." George said. Hari stared in wonder as the map formed into a map of the school.

"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makersare, proud to present THE MARAUDER'S MAP." Hari read out loud. She let a hand rub carefully over the parchment.

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school." Fred said honestly. He began pointing out a few locations it was safe to hide in, a few places to get to Hogsmead, and other nicknacks.

"So this map shows — everyone." She asked.


"Where they are"

"What they're doing"

"Every minute"

"Of every day!"

"Brilliant! Where did you get it?"

"Got it from Filch's office of course — First Year." Harry looked at them with wide eyes, full of admiration. Even she hadn't managed to steal from Filch yet. Well, he was dead now anyways.

"We decided to pass it to you to use it. We memorised everything." Fred agreed with his brother with a nod.

"Is-is that Dumbledore?" She asked as she saw the man walking in a line.


"He does that a lot lately."

"Weird." Hari said. She whispered "Mischief Managed" and folded the map to fit inside of her pocket. "Well, I must go torture myself in Slughorns class. See you all later." She said as she walked out of the alcove and to breakfast. She saw Draco waiting for her by the door and smiled. Draco blushed and held out a hand. He sneered at her questioning look.

"People are starting to think we're cheating on each other. We need to be more romantic according to Zabini." Hari shrugged and wrapped her hand in Draco's larger one. Not as large as Tom's hand, and not as rough... Tom was going to be so angry. Oh well.

They walked into the great hall hand in hand and they got a few wolf whistles from the other students. Dumbledore was clearly annoyed but he couldn't say anything about it or he would have to tell the other students to lower their PDA.

"Well, didn't know you were into morning snogs Hari dearest. You could have asked." Blaise said with a roguish smile. Hari snorted and punched him in the arm.

"As if Zabini. Shouldn't you save that question for Theo? Personally, I prefer my men to be delicate." Blaise and Hari shared a look as they waited for Draco's brain to catch up.

"I'm not delicate!" Draco protested. Blaise snorted while Hari pinched Draco's cheek.

"Of course not sweetheart. Now, finish eating. I want to go blow up some cauldrons." They all laughed and quickly ate their breakfast

They made their way down to the potions classroom where they saw Slughorn already waiting for them.

"Ah, Hari! I heard from your father that you have a skillful hand in potion making." Hari gave the man a false smile which he didn't even pick up on.

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