Untitled Part 28

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"Hello Miss Potter-" Umbridge began speaking, before she was interrupted by the blackete.

"I have said this before, my name is Black-Prince. I am no longer a Potter. Heck, you could even call me a Snape." Umbridge turned an ugly purple, reminding Hari of her old Uncle Vernon.

"Miss Potter, I will not stand for this disrespect! Another week of detention! See to it that you stop disrespecting your superiors." Hari giggled quietly, before going into a fit of maniacal laughter.

"Please. You, my superior? I think I am going to die of laughter." She cackled some more, causing Luna and Tracey to laugh as well.

"My Lady, that's a terrible way to go." Luna said, her eyes glossy and a kind smile on her face.

"Yes, I agree with Lovegood. Not a fitting way for a Dark Lord to die, now is it?" Tracey said calmly, all of them watching as Umbridge's face went stark pale. Hari raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Did you not know? I am planning to become one of the darkest lords there ever was. Better than Voldemort himself. And, I have the two houses to back me up. Run along now, Dolores. Before someone gets hurt." She allowed her green eye to eerily glow. The pink toad tried to run, before Tracey was infiltrating her memories, and casting a memory changer on that time. Everytime she tried to show other people the memory, it would show them her harassing the group of girls, calling Hari a Dark Lord for no reason, ect. Of course, Umbridge wouldn't notice anything was wrong with it. Hari couldn't wait until she was fired.

Tracey, Luna, and Hari all walked to potions laughing. They couldn't wait to see what that old fraud would do. Karma indeed.


"Minister! Minister!" Fudge heard a plump woman yell. He could hardly withstand her presence. She was nothing more than an ass kisser. He turned around to see her standing in a green dress and hat, most likely because she was cursed by the students. She probably deserved it.

"Yes Dolores?" Fudge sighed.

"Minister, Hari Potter admitted to being a Dark Lord! She says she is going to control the school! It's not Dumbeldore we should fear, its her! She threatened me! Saying to watch my back! She felt of ritual magic! You know Rituals are dark magic!" Fudged groaned.

"Not all Rituals are Dark Magic! She actually sent me a letter, saying she was recently blessed to be a Godmother. She probably did the ritual for that. That is light magic. She probably told you to watch your back because your outfit was jinxed green. Hari Potter isn't even her name anymore. A half-blood with such a high status as you should know that you're insulting her. How many times have you called her by the wrong name? She's probably lining up different fines. She is the heir to many different houses. You know they can charge up to four hundred galleons per offence, depending on the wealth they already have. You really don't think often. And I don't care what goes on in Hogwarts."

"But Minister! I have proof! I have memories! Of what she said to me, being backed up by Lovegood and Davis. They even called her 'My Lady' and 'My Lord'!" Fudge rubbed his temples.

"Go...Go put the memories in the pensive Dolores. I will review them in a moment. I need to finish the application." Dolores looked smug as she went to put the memories in the pensive, not suspecting something was wrong with them. Thirty minutes later, Fudge finally got up to check the memories. Umbridge had left looking smug, so he had a feeling the memory was tampered with. How right he was, just in the wrong context. He quickly casted a spell to get rid of any Occolems faked memories.

He dived in, letting the cool water like substance turn to air. Opening his eyes, he could see a scared looking Hari, a girl he guessed as Tracey Davis, and one Luna Lovegood Davis and Lovegood were standing protectively in front of the girl.

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