Untitled Part 33

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Somewhere in the Ministry

Dumbledore scowled. He had seen Hari holding her scar, meaning the mental pictures he had given the girl were working. Now he stood in the middle of the ministry, wand in hand, standing in front of Voldemort. You see, he had challenged the man here with the promise that, if he won, he could get Hari Potter. Then, that idiot Potter never showed up, and Dumbeldore had no choice but to barter off his wand.

Now, Dumbledore was laying on the ground, his wand held to his face as pale-faced Voldemort laughed. The laugh wasn't even a high pitched psychopathic laugh, but more of a mere chuckle. Like someone reacting to an inside joke.

"Goodbye, old man! Your time has come to an- Oh what the actual hell!" Dumbledore raised his eyes to look at Tom Voldemort, who he always thought was too posh to swear. He lightly turned his head, only to see ten ministry workers with their wands trained on Voldemort. He also saw a bunch of his students and one Hari Jamie To-Many-Last-Names-Potter. He also saw Ginerva Weasley struggling in Potters grasp, a gag in her mouth, mascara tear tracks rolling down her cheeks.

"Well well well. Hari Potter, the girl who lived, has come to die?" Hari rolled her eyes, throwing the redheads body at one of the ministry workers.

"Hah Hah Tom." Dumbledore watched in fear as Tom's illusioned appearance faded away, leaving a beautiful man. His brown hair was pushed back and curled, being held together at his upper neck by a hair tie. His red eyes gleamed in power, and he had a strong arm wrapped around Hari. Neville Longbottom, Ronald Weasley, The Weasley Twins, a few Slytherins he couldn't be bothered to remember the names of, Draco Malfoy, and Hermione Granger. Everyone, besides Hermione, moves to stand behind Hari. Dumbledore was incredibly confused. He thought that Hermione and Hari couldn't stand each other, but to see them standing close to each other....

"My Lady." They all coursed, even Granger. Dumbledore didn't know how to react. His precious muggle-born was turning dark? He had done everything to keep her from joining Potters 'ranks', but it seems she was lost to the allure of dark arts as well.

"Now," Hari spoke up. "I know a lot of you are wondering what is happening! First off, This is my husband, Tom Riddle! Also known now as your future lord! We got married two days ago...what a way to start the honeymoon phase! Now, If you are faint of heart, I would cover your eyes. Ronald." Suddenly, a bag of dismembered body parts was thrown into the middle, spilling out. Even Tom grimaced. Hari sure had a way with knives. "See! This is what happens when you get on my bad side!" Hari gave a loud giggle, before curling up in Tom's arms.

"Goodbye, Albus. You have wrecked our lives enough." Tom raised his wand to a petrified Dumbledore.

"Hari, my dear sweet Hari! Why did you join this cruel man? He must have you under some spell!" He pleaded, trying to get her to bargain for his life.

"I have seen as much beauty in the Dark as I have seen horrors in the Light. You are a fool Dumbledore. Not only are you the reason for me joining Tom, but you are also the reason why almost all of your students have turned on you. Why Hogwarts herself has."

"Goodbye, Albus. I will see you in hell." Tom said, fully raising his wand to his head, the tip of it glowing green.

"No, Tom! You must tell them the truth! You were using Potions and spells on Young Hari!-" He didn't get to say anymore before a green light enveloped him. He fell to the ground lifeless, and Tom enjoyed watching his soul get viciously torn from his body, the light slowly leaving his twinkling eyes. He held Hari close, making sure his body was in front of her pregnant one.

"Now, you all saw your 'Savior' hit the floor, dead! What will you do now?" Tom laughed. "The ministry will forever be under my control. Bow down to your new minister. You're going to need it." Suddenly, in a swirl of robes, the group of people was gone, leaving dead bodies in their wake.

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