Chapter 31

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I was woken up by someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Colby. "Wake up, we're home Kate." Colby says smiling alittle. I just yawn and get out of the car. He walks into the house with me. "I'm bored." Colby says looking at me, while I walk to the coach. I sit down and turn on the TV. "Well I'm gonnna watch some TV." Colby comes and sits down next to me. "How bout we do something else." Colby says with a wink. "No im good." I say looking at the tv finding something to watch. I click on Friends. "Yesss it just started!" I say while the theme song comes on. "When can we?" Colby says with lust in his eyes. "Not now Colby! We're not even dating." I say looking at him. "So many other people have with out them dating." Colby says. "Not now." I say looking back at the tv. "Finnnneee when ever you feel comfortable." Colby says getting up. I go back to watching Friends.

The episode ends. I click guide to see if another episode would come on. I sigh when I see that the next episode isn't Friends. I turn off the TV and go upstairs. I go to "my" room. I sit on "my" bed and go onto my phone. I scroll through Instargram. Then go onto Snapchat. I had no texts from anyone. I go through my friends stories and click out of Snapchat. I get a text from Alex.

A-Soooo how's it going? Has anything happened?👀

Me-Its been good. And Alex nothing has happened!😂

A-So nothing has happened?!🙁

Me-Nothing at all. He keeps asking though. And one of his friends saw me naked!!

A-Omg really?!?! How did he see you naked?!? And what did you say?!

Me- I was taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom. I had my towel around me. I heard people downstairs it was some kinda party or something that Colby had. He had a couple of his friends over. I turned around and bumped into someone. I said sorry. Then noticed I DROPPED MY TOWEL AND WAS STANDING THERE TALKING TO HIM NOT KNOW THAT WAS NAKED IN FRONT OF SOMEONE I DONT KNOW! I pixked it up and went to the room I'm staying in. And I said that I'm just not ready. I don't feel ready yet. I've never done that stuff before.

A-I would have been so imbarised.

A-And you need to do it!! I want my bestie to enjoy her teenage years! I want you to be able to tell your kids and grandkids about how much fun you had in your teenage years!!

Me-I know but I'm just scared! What if we do it and he feels all of his friends and them the whole school knows! I already know there gonna start rumors! I just can't deal with all that.

A-Your only a teen once Kate. Live alittle.

Me-Ill try. Ily❤

A-Love you to❤

I stopped texting Kate and put my phone on the charger. Since it was almost dead. I just layed there not doing anything thinking about what Alex said. "Your only a teen once. Live alittle." Those two sentences were the only things in my mind. Replying over and over again.

-----------------------Authors Note-----------------------
Hope y'all are liking it!! Also on a completely different note. I'm really gonna miss TikTok😔 I've been on the app since 2016. When it first began. But this isn't just a app to me its the place I can find the type of people who like the same things as me. And not get judged. We've (The TikTok community) become a family. I wonder what the next big app will be.

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