Chapter 37

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"Col-" I started to say but stopped. "COLBY!!" I yelled spead walking over to his bed. "Whaaattttt?" He said still laying in bed! "Why haven't you gotten up yet?! School starts in *turns on phone to check the time* 10 minutes! Get up! I don't want to be late! I hate being late!" "I don't want to gooooo." He said turning his head away from me. "Colby get up right now!!" I said grabbing his arm to pull him out of his bed. "Your not gonna be able to pull me out Kate. Your not strong enough." He said looking at me and smirking at me. "Lets see about that." I said regripping my grip on his hand. I started pulling. And with that he came crashing down to the floor. "Dang girl." He said getting up looking at me. "Never underestimate a girl." I said giving him the same smirk he had given me when he said I couldn't pull him out of his bed. "I guess you right." Could said stretching. "Now get dressed!" I said walking out the door. "Fineee." And with that I walked out of his room and shut the door. So he could change.

I ran downstairs and stood by the front door. I went into my phone. Just then a thought came to mind. "What if he told his friends that we did it? What if he told the whole school? My parents would find out! I'd be dead a goner! What if he doesn't even like me and he only wants me for the sex?" I was cut off by Colby clearing his throat. "What's wrong?" Colby said standing in front of me with a worried and conserned face. "Oh I-Im just a little worried." I automatically feel like I shouldn't have said that last part. Ready?" I said trying to change the subject walking to the door. "Um... Yea lets go." We both walked to his car and got in.

"Why are you worried?" Colby said staring into my eyes with worriedness. "Its nothing. R-Really." I said staring back into his memorizing blue eyes. "Kate I can tell something is wrong. What is it? Did someone hurt you?! Put there hands on you with out permission?! Cause I'll kill em. Please tell me so I can fix it." He said still staring into my eye. I looked down for a second and noticed that Colbys hand was on my inner thigh. I looked back up and sighed.

"How can I trust you that you didn't tell the school about what we did...What if there's rumors around school...I'm scared that my parents will find out...and then I'll go back to my old self...Cutting...Suicide." " I won't tell anyone. It'll be a secret between us. And only us. And besides I'm that type of guy. And if someone does find out...Then we'll say there just rumors and we haven't done anything. Just play stupid." I sigh and just nod my head and say "Ok."

I checked the time on my phone we were 15 minutes late. I sighed again. Not wanting to even go anyone. "Since were already late to school then why go? How bout we explore the town?" Colby said looking at my phone shrugging his shoulder. "Sure but can I go put my bag inside?" "Yea,can you put mine in there to please?" "K." I get out of the car and grab his and my bag and run to the dpor and place them inside and head back to the car. I get in.

"So we're are we gonna explore in town?" "I don't know. Where do you wanna go?" "Doesn't matter." "Mk." Colby takes off driving.

-----------------------Authors Note-----------------------
Were should Colby and Kate go? Cause I have nothing in mind😂 any ideas?

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