Chapter 32

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(*For the picture above* Am I the only person who forgets how to breathe when I see this picture or just see pictures of him in general?😂🖤)

And said "Maybe after the party!" I said with a wink. His eyes grew big and put his hands over him. To cover him up I could tell he didn't want anyone to know. So he made it seem like nothing was happening. (If you don't understand that you may be to young to be reading this) I just laughed and walked towards him so we can finish walking together. "Why do you do this to me?" He said in a whisper. "I don't know." I said giggling.

We could now start to hear the loud music playing from the party. We continued walking to the house the party was at. We get there mintues later. There were people everywhere. We walked inside the house.

"Ayee what up Colby!" A fairly attractive guy said walking up to Colby and doing the "bro shake thing" (idk what its called)

"Ayee what up Colby!" A fairly attractive guy said walking up to Colby and doing the "bro shake thing" (idk what its called)

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I just stood there awkwardly. "Oh Kate this is my friend Noah!" Colby said yelling since it was loud in the house. "Hi!" I said shaking his hand. He nodded his head. (Idk what its called but it's when someone shakes there head up fast. I can't think rn😂) Looking me up and down and bitting his lip. "Back off dude she's mine!" Colby said. Sighning that he saw what Noah did. "What ever man!" Noah said with his hands up defending himself chuckling a little. With that he walked away.

I turned to Colby after that Noah kid walked of. "Colby, I'm not yours. We aren't dating yet. Therefore I can date who I want." I say sticking out my tounge playfully. "You will be soon though." Colby said winking at me. "What ever Brock." I say back. "Imma go get a drink, wany anything?" Colby asks. "No im good." He nods and walks away to get a drink.

I stand there awkwardly until someone from behind me says "Hey Kate!" I turn around to see Aryia. "Oh hi!" "You seem lonely, wanna hang out with me, Mike, Reggie, and Cassie?" Aryia asks. "Sure!" He nods and we walk together through the crowd of teengers.

We get to were Mike and the other people were. I've met Mike but never Reggie and Cassie. So I'm excited to meet them. "Oh hey Kate!" Mike says. "Hi!" I say back. "Hi I dont think we've meet before! I'm Reggie!" Reggie says sticking out a hand to for me to shake. "Hi! Im Kate!" I say back shaking his hand. "Oh and im Cassie! Nice to meet you!" Cassie says. Also sticking out a hand for me shake. I shake her hand and say "I'm Kate!"



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We all talk for about 45 minutes. About all kinds different of stuff. Like things we hate and things we love. What we plan on doing after we graduate. Our fears. Our familes. The rumors  that have been going around school. And the conspiracies on social media.

                           *Colbys P.O.V*

I left Kate to go get a drink. I finished my first drink and was gking on my second one. I started to drink it when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl...not even gonna lie she was really hot.

not even gonna lie she was really hot

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"Hi! I'm Maddie!" The girl said. "I'm Col-" I start to say but am cut off by her saying "I know who you are Colby! I go to your school. And your the most popular and hottest kids at our school!" She says giggling. "Oh I forgot." I say chuckling. "I noticed you seemed pretty lonely. Wanna hang out and have some fun?" She said bitting her lip and winking. I will admit she was pretty and really tempting. She started to pull me by my hand to a empty room. I walked with her to the room. Until...

-----------------------Authors Note-----------------------

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*How have you guys been today? 
*What you guys think will happen next? Will Colby forget about Kate and commit? Or will he turn back to Kate?

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