Chapter 46

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"I missed you!" My mom says hugging me. "I did tooo." My mom let go of me and looked at the door "thank you guys so much for watching her!" "No problem. Shes a good kid." Mrs Brock said. I smiled. Wr were about to walk to the car when someone called my name. I turned around to see Colby. He ealked to me and kissed me. I kissed back. Then I remembered that I still haven't told my parents about Colby and me. We stopped hugging and I bye. Mrs and Mr Brock and Colby and waved then went inside.

I turned to my parents who had there jaws dropped. "What was that about?!" I tired to act dumb. "What was what?" "The kiss!!" My father said looking at me from in the car. "Oh- I- um- wereeee dating now..." "Get in the car!" My father yelled. He never liked it when I had a boyfriend. My mother knt he other hand didn't seem mad. She seemed more shocked than mad. I got in car. "When did this happen?!" "I dont know... We just both like each other..." My father shook his head and began driving. "Well is he respectful? And loyal?" I father asked sounding not as mad. "He's respectful to me and always puts me first and hes loyal." He nodded and kept driving.

We got home and I unpacked my stuff.

*A few months later*

Colby and I were graduating. I couldn't believe it! We were done with school. Sam, Colby, and I all moved to L.A. They started a YouTube channel and everything. They were doing really well gaining tones of subscribers. First 10s then hundreds then thousands then... A million. I was so proud of them they did...

The end!!

So likeee quick question... If I where to write  story would you guys read it? Cause I have another story idea. I'm just asking if people would read it cause I dont want to put effort i to it if people won't read it-

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