Chapter 41

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I posted my drawing to Instagram. I turn off my phone and stretch. Sense I was sitting for a while. I get a feeling that I should go back onto my Instagram so I do what I felt. I got back onto my phone and back onto Instagram. My jaw drops. "HOLY SHIT!!!" I yell out. I see that drawingwiffwaffles liked my post. Ive watched her for ever. She was my inspiration to even start drawing in th3 first place. She replied to some chick that comment something mean. She was sticking up for me!! I then see that she committed about how she liked my drawing style!! I was freaking out! But I didn't want to sound like a total fan girl so I just replied by saying
"Thank you!! And I love your art work! You inspired me to start drawing."

Colby walks in looking all tired. "Why are freaking out?" He says yawning. "A youtuber that inpsired me to start drawing commented on my post!" "Really?" "Yea!" "That's really cool. Congrats. But im going back to sleep cause I'm tried." He yawned again. "Ok." I say putting down my phone and get up to put away my drawing. I turn around to see Colby getting into "my" bed. "C-Colby?... What are doing?" "Going to sleep." "In my bed?" "Mhm." "Okayyyy." I laugh as I got into bed to. I get under the covers as Colby put his head on my chest and his arm laying on my waist. I turn on the TV.

I turn on the TV and pick a show to watch. I see that Spongebob is on. (Jake and Tara are like 😌 rn😂) "nothing better to watch so why not?" I whisper to myself. Its on commercial. "I hate commercials." I whisper to my self. Usually I go on my phone when the show I'm watching is on commercial, but my phone was on the night stand next to the bed, but in order to get my phone I would need to reach over far or get up. But I didn't want to wake Colby up. So I just sat there watching the long commercials that were only a few minutes long but seemed to be an eternity.

The show came back on and I began watching. Laughing at all the funny parts.

*15 minutes pass*

The show was almost over. My eyelids started to get heavy. The last thought to come to mind was "Why the fuck am I getting so tired so easily?"

-----------------------Authors Note-----------------------
Sorry for the short chapters. Just haven't been able to write much.

Bullied (Colby Brock) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora