Wild Island: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Onward he went, through this deep jungle on this large Island. With this moment alone, (Y/n) took a moment to enjoy this scenery all around him.

(Y/n):(sigh of relief)

(Y/n):(mind) My situation right now doesn't matter... Because at least I'm not in that castle or in hell.

(Opening theme)

With a small smile, he continued until he found a civilization that could be the male tribe.

This town was only slightly bigger than the female tribes' home base and it didn't have straw huts, but instead stone houses and buildings along with a wall.

Using magic to enhance his eyesight, (Y/n) notice how little men were actually in the tribe base compared to the many buildings there were. He even saw how some buildings were in a lesser state than others, suggesting that they weren't in use or in need.

Taking all this information before him, (Y/n) deduced that this town used to be inhabited by both females and males until whatever caused the divide accrued.

Did the females leave or were they kicked out by the males? Whatever was the case, the situation became even more strange.

They surly had people who were in love with one another, so how did they convince those people to separate?

As (Y/n) was about to go down deeper into this rabbit hole of thoughts and questions, he shook off the want to do so.

(Y/n): It's not my problem. I just have to get the leader, bring him back, and get a boat out of here.

He began walking towards this town. Going to the side of it, he jumped over the wall and began sneaking deeper and deeper into the city.

Knowing that these demi-humans have superior senses than normal humans or elves, (Y/n) decided to use magic to mask his presence to be safe.

Finding the most important looking building where he assumed the leader would be, he snuck into it, not before grabbing a large potato bag.

Jumping through an open window, (Y/n) looked around inside for an important-looking person with his potato sack over his shoulder.

He enters a room with a man in it.

He enters a room with a man in it

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Man: Who are you?!

(Y/n): Are you the leader?

Man: Why yes-

(Y/n) throws a potato at the man, knocking him to the ground. He then runs up to him while pulling out his sword then when getting near him he smacks the man over the head with the blunt end of the sword, knocking him unconscious.

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