When They Confess To You

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  Today was the day that I would confess to MC. I told to come to my room after dinner. I took deep breaths. There was a knock at my door.
*Lucifer*MC, is that you?
I open the door and pulled her inside.
*MC*Lucifer, did I do something wrong? I'm really sorry!
Why did I make her think I was mad at her.
*Lucifer*No. You did nothing wrong! I just need to ask you something.
*MC*Oh! Okay. What is it?
I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
*Lucifer*I-I-I like you. In fact I love you. Will you be girlfriend?
MC stares at me, her face turning red. She looked like a tomato.
*MC*I didn't think you had feelings toward me, Lucifer.
She takes a deep breath.
*MC*I l-l-love you too. And I would love to your girlfriend.
I was so happy. I pull her into my and kissed her.

  I was planing on telling MC that I liked her when I woke her up. But Levi took her for himself and they watched anime all night. Levi and MC are pretty close, like brother and sister close. So when got back to the House of Laumation, I went with MC to her room. She didn't mind because I'm always in her room. We were watching a movie that I have seen multiple times. I worked up all my courage and said that I liked her. MC just started at me, her face turing to different shades of red. She then came closer to me and pecked my lips. I started turning red.
*MC*I would love to be The Great Mammon's girlfriend.
I smile really big. I lifted her up and hugged her as tightly as I could.

  I'm not great when it comes to expressing my feelings. So the plan I had was to play a song that shows her how I feel. Then at the end I was going to tell how I feel.
*MC*Who is your favorite My Hero Academia character, Levi?
*Levi*You will have to figure it out. By listening to this new I have found.
*MC*Oh! Cool!
She placed the earbuds in and started listening to the song.
MC looked at me.
*MC*I like it. But I still don't know who your favortie is.
I keep staring at her. I take a deep breath and told her what the song really meant. She grab my hands and turned red when she told me that she liked me too and would love to my girlfriend.

  I'm going to be straight forward when I tell MC about my feelings. I told her that I had another book that she might like. That was just blank pages. I put a title on the spine of the it. I was going to bring it to her myself. I open the door of her room, MC had just got out of the shower. It took alot of will power not to go over there and grab her waist.
*Satan*This is the book I think you might like. Go ahead and take a lot at it to see if you like it.
MC nods and opend the book to the first page. I watch her read what I wrote. She looked up at me and her red. Damn! She looks so cute.
*MC*I didn't think you felt that way. I-I would love to be your girlfriend.
I grab her waist and pulled her close to me.
*Satan*You don't how much will power I had to have when I'm with you.
She blushes so much but I continue to tease her.

  *Asmo*MC! Follow me!
I grab her hand and lead her to my room. Once we were there, I shut and locked my door. Then I pinned MC to the wall.
*MC*Asmo. What are you doing?
*Asmo*Remember that I told you that you were the one person I see that I will love more than myself?
She nods.
*Asmo*Well, it happened. I am head over heals in love with you, MC. Will you be my girlfriend?
She smiles and blushes when she nods her head. I kissed her. I'm so happy that she acpected my feelings.

  I keep thinking of MC when I was making us a cake. This was the way I was going to ask her out. It wasn't my first time making human food, but it was the first time I did by myself.
*MC*Hey, Beel! What are you doing?
*Beel*Oh, MC! I'm making a cake for us.
*MC*Oh, Beel. You are so sweet!
I finish frosting the cake and writing on it.
*Beel*MC, close your eyes.
She did and I held the cake in front of her. I told her to open her eyes. She read what I wrote on the cake.
*MC*Oh, Beel! Yes! I would love to your girlfriend!
*Beel*That means so much to me that you said yes.  Let's celebrate by eating this cake with each other!

  I texted MC to come take a nap with me. My heart sped up when I read her replie. I had this all planed out. I even had a dream about it.
*MC*Hey, Belphie. I was on my way to your room.
*Belphie*I want to take a nap with you in your room.
She was saying something but I grab her hand and dragged her back to her room. I lay her on the bed and I got next to her.
*Belphie*MC. I have something to tell you.
*MC*Okay. What is it?
I pull her close. She started to blush. I lifted her chin so she can look at me.
*Belphie*Will you be girlfriend?
*MC*Of course I will!
I bring her closer to me and we cuddle and slept.

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