Comfort During A Strom

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It was raining and I was laying in MC's bed with her. She told me that she didn't like when it stormed real bad. Right now, it's not that bad. The rain does sound a little heavy. I keep doing my paper work for Diavolo. At some times I would take a few glances at her. She had a really beautiful sleeping figure. I could stare at that all day. I finally finish my last paper. I set them down on MC's desk then I layed down beside her. Just as I did that, a big thunder rolled out. It was so loud that I could feel the bed shake. MC shot right up. Almost jumping out of the bed. Then another went off. Then another. Then another. She hid under her blankets. I rubbed her back through the fabric until she thought it was safe enough to come out of her little cave. After five minutes or so, MC came out. She looked right into my eyes. I pulled her close to me. Making her sit on my lap. She looked like a scared little girl that really wanted to feel safe.  I love it when she acts like that. Then I can really call her mine.
*Lucifer*Don't worry baby. I got you. You dont have to be afarid when I'm here. I love you so very much.
She hugged me tighter. I did the same. I truly do love this girl. I don't know what I would done without her.

It was MC's turn to sleep in my room with me. It was a storming out and she was curled into a little ball in my lap. Laying there wide awake. Hidung under the covers when thunder went off. I rub her back to calm her down. She really cute. She was so small and so light that it felt like nothing was there. She would moves a few times bringing me back to reality. We layed there for a few more minutes. When we thought that the thunder ceased, MC got off my lap. She layed next to me and closed her eyes. I was just about to lay down and wrap my arms around her, when the loudest biggest thunder went off. MC let out a high picted scream and went under the covers. I felt her tiny body wrap around my leg quite tightly. Once I thought she calmed down enough, I grabbed her from underneath the covers. But she didn't from my leg. I could feel my cheeks grow warm. That's when I lifed the covers to reaval her clingying to my right leg for dear life. I pryed her hands from my legs and covered us under the covers. There I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. I whispered sweet nothings to her to calm her down. After 5 minutes or so, she finally drifted off to sleep. And I did the same.

I was watching anime in MC's room. I was waiting for her to get out of the shower. It was raining quite hard. She said if she didn't take a shower now she wouldn't let me sleep with her tonight. So I let her take a shower. There were a few lighting strikes and small rounds of thunder. Then after a few minutes there was a big flash of lighting and following after it was a nice loud round of thunder. Then the lights went out. I heard MC scream from the hallway. I ran out her room and down the hallway where her scream was loudest. When I got there Beel was holding a scared and shaking MC. I went over to them quickly and took her from Beel's arms. I carried her bridal style back to her room. I layed her down on her bed. Then I layed next to her and tucked us in. I placed her on top of me and hold her close. I rub her hair and softly talked to her to calm her down.

I was reading a book in my bed with MC sleeping beside me. I had a small lamp lit so I could read. But a lighting bolt flashed in the Devildom sky and cut of the power. I put my book down and layed down. My back was turned to MC. There was another flash of lighting. Then I felt a small warm body press up against my back.
*Satan*Baby, why are you awake?
*MC*I'm scared Satan.
I turn around to face her. Her eyes were filled with horror. Then few rounds of thunder went off. MC pressed her body up against me again. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair. I then whisptered a soft song in her ear. She then fell back to sleep. I bring her closer to me and held her as I went to sleep.

This time you were going to sleep in Asmo bed. You like sleeping in his room. It made you feel like a little girl again. Well you were a little girl. But what you mean is a little girl in age not in height. You snuggle up against Asmo while he held you. It was raining but there was no thunder going off. There was lighting but no thunder. Asmo was already asleep. So you went to sleep. You woke to Asmo screeching at the top of his lungs. Then a big roll of thunder went. Asmo sckreeked again. You then thought I was time to play the loving girlfriend role. You wrap your arms around around Asmo. He buried his head in your chest. You storke his lovely hair. You comfort him as best as you could. Soon he fell asleep on your chest. You manged to lay down. Asmo then grab your waist and pulled you close.

I was sitting on the floor of my room with MC on my lap. We were eating food together. One of my favorite parts of the day. It was raining so Belphie was asleep in his bed. Nothing really could wake him up. We were eating some human world food that MC cooked. She made rice and tacos and brownies and steak. It was heaven in the Devildom. I fed her rice and she fed me a brownie. It was so warm and gooey with the chocolate chips that were melted into it. I finished half of what she cooked when she hugged me tightly after a burst of thunder. I shoved the rest of my brownie in my mouth and hold her close. I rock her to calm her down it work. Then I fed her a warm gooey brownie.

You were in your room playing on your D.D.D when Belphie entered your room. The was a round of thunder and he jumped into your bed.
*Belphie*It storming now. And I don't have a warm body pillow to hold while I sleep. So you are going to be my replacement tonight.
You nod your head. Belphie laid his head on your chest listening to your heart beat. His arms were wrapped around your waist tightly. You then start to play with his hair. You recive a mmm... from the sleepy demon. He soon fell asleep and you did too.

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