Asmo's Day 2

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Before you begin this part two on Asmo's Day, I finished Asmo's Day. My little sister pressed the pulished button when was in the middle of writing. So you can go back and read it if you want. But I'm just letting y'all know. Thank you so much for reading. If you want to request a story just coment and I will write it.

I wake up to a loud noise. I was scared for my life. Don't know why. Asmo woke up too. But not from the noise, but from my scream.

*Asmo*Darling are you alright?!

I start crying as the same came again.

Lucifer busted into Asmo's room.

*Lucifer*Baby girl are you okay?! Asmo did you do something to her?!!

*Asmo*No I swear to Diavolo that I did not touch her!!!

The noise came back but even louder.

I screamed and jumpped into Asmo's arms. I cried. I cried loudly too.

*Mammon*Asmo I swear to Diavolo, if you had touched MC and hurt her, your goin' get it!!!

*Asmo*Why do y'all think I touched MC!?

*Belphie*Because your the Avatar of Lust.

*Asmo*If I had touched her, do y'all think that she would jump in my arms after a roll of thunder roared!!?

*Lucifer*I trust that you didn't touch MC, Asmo.

*Asmo*Thank you for believeing me.

Another round of thunder.

I grip Asmo and Luci tighter. And I cried.

*Lucifer*MC has a fear of thunder.

*Asmo*Thats right. Her first night here with a thunder storm was very terrible for her.

*Lucifer*Yes. Indeed it was.

Another round of thunder.

I cried. Asmo rub my back.

*Asmo*Lucifer can you be a dear and get MC some demon's milk.

*Lucifer*Thats a good idea.

Lucifer left.

*Asmo*Mammon and Belphie, you two can leave. I don't need you.

*Mammon*I ani't goin' anywhere with MC bein' so scared.

*Belphie*Good night cutie. Don't need to be scared.

*Asmo*Leave Mammon.

Another roll of thunder.

*Mammon*No way am I leavin'!

*Lucifer*Mammon go back to bed before I hang you by your ankles.

*Mammon*Yikes! I'm headin' that way Lucifer. Don't ya worry. Good night honey.

Asmo grabs my chin to make me look at him. He wipes the tears from my face.

Lucifer hands him my sippy cup. Asmo puts the tip of it into my mouth. I take a few sips before the next round of thunder came.

I cried into Asmo's chest.

*Asmo*Darling. I got you don't worry.

I take a few more sips of the milk.

Asmo layed me down on his chest. Putting my ear on his heart so I can hear it beating. The steady pace of his heart calmed me down. He rub my back.

*Asmo*I'll wait. I'll wait. I love you like you never felt the pain. I'll wait. I promise you don't have to be afarid. I'll wait. Love is here and here to stay. So lay your head on me. Little do you know I know your hurtin' while I'm sound asleep. Little do you know all my mistakes are slowly drownin' me. Little do you know I'm tryin' to make it better piece by piece. Little do you know I love you til the sun dies.

Asmo's voice sounded so peaceful. I closed my eyes. I felt safe from the thunder. They could not reach me. I soon fell asleep again.

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