Satan's Day 2

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I wake up with my tummy growling. Satan was sitting my desk chair reading a book.


*Satan*Baby doll your awake. Are you hungry?

I nod my head. I reach my arms out to him.

He comes over and puts me in the crook of his arm.

We went to the kitchen and Satan puts me on the counter. He then goes to the fridge.

*Satan*What do you want to eat?

I shrug my shoulders.

*Satan*Do you want some hellberry yogurt?

I shook my head.

*Satan*There are extras of what Asmo made for breakfest this morning. Do you want that?

I nod my head repeatedly.

He lets out a soft chuckle. He picks me and takes me to the dining room. He picks in the a chair and he sits in the one beside me.

He gives me a spoonful of the fruit salad.


Satan gives me another bite. I never thought Asmo could make something so tasty!

After a few bites I licked my lips. Trying to get all of sweetness.

*Satan*Why do you have so cute, baby doll?

I shrug my shoulders.

*MC*Can I have some more?

I point to the fruit salad that was still in hand. Satan chuckles and nods his head.

I ate every single bite. It was so good. But now I wanted something to drink.

*MC*Satan, I'm thirsty.

*Satan*Well let's go look for something to drink.

*MC*Can I walk to the kitchen thus time?

He grabs my hand and nods. I hold Luci with my other arm.

We walk into the kitchen and Satan puts the bowl into the sink, and washes it. He opened the fridge and I got to look inside.

I saw lots of things I could drink.

*MC*I want juice.

*Satan*There is princess poison apple juice. Do you want that? Or blood orange juice.

*MC*Blood orange juice please!

Satan grabs my sippy cup and pours some the juice into it. He closes it off with the lid and gives it to me.

I take it and start to drink it all up. I was very thirsty for some juice for some reason.

Once I finished it, I gave the cup to Satan. I started to feel sleepy again but not that sleepy.

I reach up for Satan. He puts me on his hip and carries me back to my room.

We got under the covers and he holds me to his chest. When I slept on Lucifer's chest I felt safe and warm. Sleeping on Satan's chest made me feel a little bit more sleepy. But not enough.

*MC*You can tell me a bed time story?

*Satan*A bed time story?

I nod my head.

*Satan*What kind if bed time story?

*MC*A story for bed time.

So what. Even if I was a six year old, I can still smart off.

*Satan*What am I going to do with you?

I giggle at his question that was meant to be unanswered.

*Satan*Long ago, there was a little girl. She loved to played with her beloved stuffed bunny. She never let that thing out of her arms. Only when she really needed to. She had seven brothers to take care of her. Her mother and father were always away doing something for their work. The seven brother were not even blood-related. But they treat her like family. Soon the little girl's parents did not return home. The eldest brother told the little girl that they will be away for some time. This did not fazed the little girl what so ever. She was used to it. The brothers wanted to keep the real truth away from her. Slowly she forgot that she even had a mother and father. The youngest brother would be hanging out with her. That made the second oldest jealous. The more the girl grew the more prettier she got. The more hints she found out the real truth about her parents and her dear brothers. The girl was not fazed that her parents had died due to sickness on the road. All the girl said was that they died together in each other arms. As time went by, the girl found out her brothers were not her brothers, that were demons. Once the brothers told her the full story, all she did was stay quiet. The third born was worried that they made her upset. The fourth born tried to tell her it was for her own good. Then the girl gathered each brother to her special place. Her garden was filled with different flowers. There were eight different flowers in total. Each one was all of their favorites. She then told the brothers that whatever they are she will still love them dearly. The brothers were very happy that the girl had apected them fully for who they really were. Soon they lived happy together and forever. And their love grew stronger. Some say that their love can still be felt today.

I close my eyes as Satan finishes his bed time story. For some reason, I felt that story was sort of based off of me and the brothers, with the girl in the story being their sister Lilith.

Ever since we found out that I was the desendent of human Lilith, I was given even more attention then I deserved.

But I really fill like family here with them. I finally went back to sleep. Satan's story was all I could dream about.

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