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This is not based on Mammon's birthday event. There will be parts of the event in the story. So parts are from the event that I twisted into my own thing. Thank you for reading!!!

Gummy bears. Gummy bears are everywhere. So yummy. So tasty.

*Mammon*MC! Wake up!

I open my eyes to a yelling Mammon. I look up at him sleepily. Then I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Mammon was now sitting on my bed in front of me.

*MC*Good morning Mammon.

*Mammon*Guess what?!!

*MC*Did you win the human world lottery?

*Mammon*I wish. But thats not it! Do ya want a hint?


*Mammon*Its something about me.

I look at him. He doesn't look any different to me.

*MC*I still don't know.

*Mammon*Thats okay human. Get dressed. I will wait for you outside your room. And you better not keep the Great Mammon waiting.

*MC*You got it.

Mammon left my room and I get out of bed. I went to my closet. I grab my favorite pair of jeans. And my favortie colored tank top.

 And my favortie colored tank top

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Then I put on a pair of black flats and put my hair into a braid

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Then I put on a pair of black flats and put my hair into a braid. I layed the braid over my right shoulder. Then I put on the necklace me and Lucifer bought for his birthday.

I walk out. Mammon, I can't seem to find him.

I walk down the hall. I fell strong arms pull me back by my waist.

I let out a little yelp. Mostly from surprise and being scared to death.

*Mammon*Relax. Its just me.

I turn around, still in Mammon's arms. I puffed my cheeks.

*MC*Not funny.

Mammon gave me a hug before letting go. Of cousre, I hugged one of my best friends back.

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