Asmo's Day

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I wake up laying on Satan's chest. He was up reading a book. He didn't know that I was awake. I did not want to say anything to him. It was to early to speak. So I just pop my head up.

*Satan* Good morning baby doll. I was just about to wake you up and bring you to Asmo. Since today is his day.

I just layed my head back down on hus chest. All he did was chuckle. He rub my back, letting me stay there for a few motlre minutes.

Then Asmo busted into my room.

*Asmo*Time to give her up, Satan. Today is my day with MC!

I sit up and reach for Asmo. He picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. Then I layed my head on his shoulder. When turned around I waved bye to Satan.

Asmo carried me out of my room and into his room.

*Asmo*I have a very cute outfit for you to wear today. And a surprise.

I have gotten way to many surprises from the brothers. Lucifer gave me a stuffed bunny I named Luci. Mammon gave me a flower necklace. Levi gave me a pair of heart shaped earrings. Satan gave me a bracelet.

*Asmo*Here darling, let me help you get dressed.

*Asmo*Here darling, let me help you get dressed

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I really did like the outfit. But did it really need the scarf? Oh well.

Asmo helps me put on my jeans and my shirt. He puts my shoes on my tiny feet.

*Asmo*We don't need the scarf, now do we darling.

I shake my head to agree with him.

*Asmo*Oh my Diavolo! I know just what to do with your hair! I just need to find my hair straightener.

Asmo looks around at his vanity. I sit on his bed and start playing with Luci.

*Asmo*Darling I found it. Now just need to heat it up. While that is going, I'm going to get your surprise ready.

I'm still wondering what the surprise will be. Could be something like the others, but knowing Asmo, it had to be something out of the ordinary.

Asmo picks me up off the bed and sets me on his vanity chair.

*Asmo*Now darling, I need you to be as still as you can be. I don't want to end up burning you. I will feel so terrible if I ruin the lovely skin of yours.

I do as he says. And I say as still as possible. Nit wanting to get burnt. If I do and Lucifer finds out, Asmo will be in big time trouble. All because I won't stay still.

My hair is really thick. I got my mom's hair gene. So it takes a minute or two to straighten all of my hair.

*Asmo*Darling you have such beautiful hair.

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