When You Go Through Family Troubles

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I walk pass MC's room and hear a faint cry. I was corcern, so I walked inside without knocking.
*Lucifer*MC, are you okay? What's wrong?
She looks at me with sad eyes. Eyes that were filled with tears.
*MC*My family thinks I'm not good enough. I'm worthless to them.
I hold her close and let her cry in my chest. I rub her back and after a few moments, I will rub her head.
*Lucifer*You are more than good enough. You are not worthless. You are part of this family and we don't feel that way about you.
She looks at me with shiny eyes. She gives me a weak smile.
*MC*Thank you Lucifer.
I give her a kiss on her forehead. Then I continue to hold her close.

I hear MC's human phone go off.
*MC*Huh? How can this go off?
She picks it up reads the muitple messages. She drops her phone.
*Mammon*MC whats going on?
I caught her before she could fall to the floor.
*MC*My mom left my dad because of me. Now my dad so mad at me. He is texting how worthless I am. That I was the only thing keeping them together. When I left, she had to go.
I was shocked by what she told me. Pull her even closer to me and I mange to walk over to my couch. I rub her back and her head as she sobs contuinesly.
*Mammon*Everything is going to alright. She didn't leave him because of you. That was her choice not your fault.
*MC*For your brothers calling you should is an underdstatment. You are as wise as heck.
I kiss the top of her head. I'm happy that she is starting to feel better.

Me and MC were watching some anime when a part child Shoto came on when his father hit Rei.
*MC*Levi I will be right back.
I watch her go out of my room. I was kind of corened so I decide to follow her. She walked all the way to her room. She closes and locks the door. I go right at the door and listen carefully.
*MC*I could have stopped it. Watching my father beat my mother after hour after hour and I sat there like an idiot. I could have at least tried to stop it like Todoroki did. I'm just worthless.
I hear big sobs coming from her. I couldn't take it anymore. I knock on the door.
*Levi*MC. It me, Levi. Let me come in. Please. I want to help you.
The door slowly opens, revaling a crying MC. I jump at her with one of the biggest hugs I have ever given.
*Levi*Some things can't be helped. The idiot was your father. I know you were young when that happened. Stop carrying all that weight on your shoulders.
She looks at me and gives a small smile.
*MC*Thank you Levi. I don't know what I would do without you.

Me and MC were reading in her room. I hear soft mumbles coming from her. I thought it was cute at first, but when I looked over at her she had tears running down her cheeks. I walk over to her and hug her as tight as I can.
*Satan*Tell me what's wrong.
*MC*I was reading a part where the father tells the child that they are never good enough and stuff like that. I reminded me of my family.
I pull her close and rub her back.
*Satan*You shouldn't think about that. You are more than enough. And thats why I love you.
She hugs nebtight and I hug her back.

I walk into MC's room to get ready for a make over. But when I got inside she was crying into her pillow.
*Asmo*Dear MC, what is bothering you?
*MC*Just being reminded of my family. How I wasnt good enough for them. How I always get blamed for everything.
I hug her close. Comforting her. Telling her that everything her family thought of her was wrong. They were wrong. I hug until she stops crying and feels good about herself.

I was eating some food on the way to MC's room so we can eat some together. When I walked in she was pacing around the room with tears in her eyes. I put the food down amd walked up from behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
*Beel*You can tell me what's wrong.
*MC*My family hates me.
*Beel*No we don't. Don't even say that.
*MC*Not this family. My human family. They hate me.
I pull her closer to me.
*Beel*You have us now. We love you so very much.
*MC*I love y'all so very much too. You make me feel better. Thank you.
*Beel*Anything for you.

I wait for MC to come to my room so we can take our nap together like we always do. A few moments passed and she still wasn't here. I walk to her room and open the door. She was on her human phone listening to a sad song say if she was good enough.
*Belphie*MC are you okay?
*MC*Belphie, why am I so hated by my parents. They told me I was never good enough.
I sit on her bed and hug her close.
*Belphie*Maybe because they can't see the real you. The best you. They always seem to put you down. Well MC, you are more then good enough. I love you because of that.
She hugged me back.
*MC*Thank you. I love all of y'all so much.
We hug until we both fell asleep.

Obey Me! Shall We DateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora