Human World 3

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We found a motal that was not that expensive.

The photo shoot lasted til 1 p.m. We found the motal around 2:30 p.m.

The room was very beautiful. The only problem was that there was only one bed.

I put my backpack down on the bed. Mammon did the same.

*Mammon*You can take the bed if you want it. I will sleep on the couch.

*MC*No no. You take the bed and I will take the couch. I'm pretty small. So I can get comfortable just about anywhere.

*Mammon*Are you sure?

I nodded my head and gave him a great big hug. He hugged me back. His hug was more tighter than mine.

*Mammon*I promised Lucifer that I would keep you safe. I have failed at that.

I hugged him tighter.

*MC*You didn't fail, Mammon. You stopped him before he could go any futher with me. You were the one to open the door. I could've done it myself but I was pinned down and my wrists were in his grasp. You saved me, Mammon. Thank you.

We stay in our hug for a few moments. Then my D.D.D started to ring.


*Lucifer*Hey, MC. I'm just checking up on you. How are you?

*MC*I'm doing great! I'm having so much fun here. But don't worry I am still coming back to Devildom.

*Lucifer*I'm glad to hear that. I am really worried about you. Is Mammon there with you?

*MC*Yes. Do you need to speak with him?

*Lucifer*Yes I do. It's something important. Don't worry he is not in trouble or anything.

I give Mammon my D.D.D and mouthed that it was Lucifer. He took the D.D.D and started talking. Then he went to the balcony.

Then I decided to go wash off all the make up that was on my face. My mascara might be running down my cheeks from the crying I did earlier.

After that I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I settled on a movie called The Outsiders.

*Mammon*What we watchin'?

*MC*The Outsiders. Its a really good movie and book.

*Mammon*Lets watch it then. After that, we can find something to eat for dinner.

I nodded my head.


I woke up around 7 p.m. I was more surprised that I woke up laying on Mammon's lap. I blush and sat up. But thing was I couldn't. Mammon held my waist. He really was protective of me. I put my hand on his hand that held my waist. I laced our fingers together. Then lifted his hand and sat up. I then shook his shoulder with my free hand.

*MC*Mammon. Wake up. Let's go get some food.

*Mammon*MC? What time is it? Oh! Your hungry aren't you? Let's get going. You need to eat something.

We stand up. I look outside.

*MC*Wait. Give me a minute.

I go get my flannel shirt from my backpack and removed Mammon's jacket. I put on my shirt and walk out with his jacket in hand.

*MC*Here you go. It looks cold outside. I don't want you to get sick because of me.

*Mammon*Thank you, MC. Lets go. I saw a McDonald's on the way to Parc André Citroen.

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